A plan for an international government based on two proven concepts: the U.S. Constitution and the cooperation of nature.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Dear President Obama: The dilemma of waging war and peace
Our organization is working to create an international government based on the US Constitution and the cooperation of nature. As of today, people in 77 nations, including Muslim nations and now Russia, support the plan for the international government.
I would like to again look at the idea of Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel's resignation and the search for his replacement.
The call for military intervention in Iraq against ISIS is very strong from people whose focus is military, and Hagel's focus has been on downsizing the military. This put him into a dilemma, that he had to do something, but he didn't know what to do. The solution to every dilemma is to do what is in everyone's best interest. The solution has elements of both extremes, but finds the middle ground.
Because the plan for the international government is in everyone's best interest, that will always be the solution.
The plan for the international government is huge, and it addresses all the crises we are facing as a planet.
The solution for ISIS is not just military intervention, but the introduction of the premise that each of the world's seven major religions teaches one segment of the body of knowledge that is necessary to create the life you want. Each also plays one favorite power game, and this is what has led to the destabilization of the Middle East by Israel.
There is a Muslim prophecy that Jesus and Muhammad will return and work together to bring world peace, and that is what is occurring now. The caliphate is not what many Muslims think. It is not that one man will make himself emperor of the planet by brute force, but the plan for the international government, where every person on the planet has the opportunity, the capacity and the equality to create the life they want.
So, by understanding the wider perspective, it is possible to come to a non-military intervention in what is an unfolding genocide.
Yours for peace,
Karen Holmes,
Monday, November 24, 2014
Dear President Obama: Please consider your options
Our organization is working to create an international government based on the U.S. Constitution and the cooperation of nature. As of today, people in 76 nations, including Muslim nations, support the plan for the international government.
In the news today, there is an announcement that Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel is stepping down. It seems to me that his resignation involves letting go of the plan for the international government. Secretary Hagel's resignation is his personal choice, but the plan for the international government must continue on with him or without him.
Why? Please consider the options we have as a planet.
We always have three choices. One is to ignore the crisis and pass it on to future generations, and it takes seven generations to undo the damage. We can choose to react based on fears, to go down into playing games, like revenge, which leads to a global war. We can choose to stand on the principles with everyone working together to solve the problems.
This is the choice mankind is facing now as a planet. While we always have three choices, two are untenable, and it comes to the point where we have only one choice. The plan must go on. Mankind has no other choice.
This is the main crisis that you are facing now.
The conflict in Iraq is devolving as a genocide. There is great potential for the same conditions on a global basis that occurred in Rwanda, with mass murders.
The dictionary definition of genocide is ethnic cleansing, but genocides are the result of a sense of judgment, of good versus evil--Axis of Evil.
No one has the right to judge another as being evil.
The 200 potential independent members of my organization are a microcosm of the entire planet. The events in my life are parallel to what occurred to Saddam Hussein, and my family is parallel to Iraq. I am facing a hostile takeover bid, a character defamation campaign, just as Saddam Hussein faced.
When exposed to the plan for the international government, a small group of people judged me as incompetent, and they grabbed for power. They chose to go down into the five power games of revenge, and are attempting to tear apart the plan. Their own capacity is based on weaving an illusion. The genocide is spreading to draw in more people. Many people are fighting for their lives.
We can speak from personal experience about the solutions that have been introduced.
As previous presidents have understood, there is no existing protocol for ending a genocide. That must be now addressed.
At first, the plan for the international government has seemed like going to people to encourage them to participate, or just passing legislation, or an executive order. That can't be further from the truth.
Don't expect that you can offer the plan for the international government and expect anyone to see the potential of the plan. Only a very few people on the planet see its potential. Change must come slowly and in perfect order or there is resistance. We are looking at changes in baby steps. They won't see the potential until they see what they can get out of it.
I ask that you not give up on the plan for the international government, or fall victim to the judgment of the people who function for their own best interests. Don't give up, because too much is at stake. In the illusion, everything is backwards. People who believe that they are at the end of their experiences are just starting, and the people who are just starting, are facing the end.
People must understand that peace is possible, that there is a plan, a process that enables anyone to solve the problems if you just know how to do it.
That is why I have placed online the planning steps and stages for the first eight proposals. Together, they enable peace in the Middle East to come.
You have been working on health care and immigration reform. This is our agenda:
- Universal equality under the law.
- Universal inalienable rights.
- A global economy based on win-win agreements.
- National niches based on natural resources, and individual niches based on talents and gifts.
- Recourse to change what is unfair in the international legal system.
- Multi-cultural plan review for new technologies.
- Life-partnership alliances between nations, a form of mutual mentoring.
- Life-partnerships alliances between nations to solve internal issues.
- A global economy based on the cooperation of nature.
These goals will take many years to achieve. We are working to create a global renaissance, a new paradigm for the future.
Yours for peace,
Karen Holmes
The World Peace Organization for the One World Government
Friday, November 21, 2014
Dear President Obama: Stop the Genocide!
Our organization is working to create an international government based on the U.S. Constitution and the cooperation of nature. As of today, people in 76 nations, including Muslim nations, support the plan for the international government.
The conflict in Iraq devolved not as a war or acts of terrorism, but as a genocide, which is one of the games related to the five games associated with revenge. The game of Pride. In the case of Iraq it started with the Gulf War when George HW Bush stopped Saddam Hussein from defending his oil reserves from Kuwait's horizontal drilling. The genocide started with George W. Bush's judgment that Saddam Hussein was evil. That brought in the Coalition nations who play the game of Greed, and came for lucrative contracts and other perks. That brought in the world's leaders who play the game of Lust, translated into slavery and human rights violations, who declare they are allies in the War on Terror, who brought in the people who rely on terrorism to gain a voice.
The three power games associated with Pride, Greed and Anger have reached their ultimate conclusion and the pendulum is swinging back again, but the games that are based on weaving an illusion are swinging the pendulum out more. Genocide and Slavery are still a major issue and spreading to the rest of the planet.
To stop the slavery, people must have a place to go.
The issue of no WMD has been muddied by recent finds of chemical weapons, and you will continue to see obfuscation of the fact that he was attempting to comply with UN sanctions.
My organization is standing up to defend Saddam Hussein, but in an attempt to take control of my organization, I have suffered the same defamation as Saddam Hussein. I can speak from personal experience on this that the games of illusion in Iraq will continue on until Saddam Hussein is exonerated of being evil.
All of the eight nations that have proposals for our first year have fallen into crisis because of a sense of judgment. Our first two proposals are U.S. proposals.
Under Universal Law, when you judge someone as evil, that person goes up and the person who judges will be judged.
The U.S. legal system is based on the premise that someone is considered innocent until proven guilty because you cannot defend yourself from prejudice and ulterior motives.
At the ultimate conclusion of the games, there is a flip-flop effect. The Muslims should be defending Saddam Hussein but they are not, and America, who should be considering him Axis of Evil because of the judgment against him, is standing up to defend him.
My organization is standing to defend Saddam Hussein. Now, instead of the ripples of effects that have gone out from the genocide continuing to go out, the projects and events can go forward to end the crisis in Iraq, and under Universal Law, I can defend myself.
The only basis for the international legal system can be Universal Law, and at this point, every person on the planet has been exposed to it. All the world's major religions are based on it, and this, and the fact that the power games are oppressive to the people, enables a unifying effect and its counterpart, conflict resolution. Because everyone on the planet has been affected by the global genocide, there can be a unification of the entire planet and world peace is possible.
Yours for peace,
Karen Holmes,
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Mankind's Three Choices on Religion
now related to religion.
ISIS represents a global choice for mankind.,
ISIS has declared they are establishing
a global currency. With Muslims in every nation,
it is possible that they will draw many people
into their new State.
Mankind can choose to continue on as before,
With seven major religions. This passes the crisis onto future generations, and it will take seven generations to undo the damage that has been done.
The final choice is the Faith of the Pure Ray, which draws
together all the seven major religions into one body of spiritual teachings, based on the premise that each of
the seven major religions teaches one segment of the body of knowledge that is necessary to create the life
you want.
I have started to channel a book with an illustrious list of
collaborators—Lady Gaia and I AM That I AM, Jesus, Moses, Gautama Buddha, Muhammad, Rama, Confucius, Lao Tzu,
Karol Wojtyla, and an introduction by Saddam Hussein—that introduces the Faith of the Pure Ray. The
second half of the book they will return to answer questions.
While the creation of an international government may be
something that is too difficult to comprehend the
enormity of its impact, I think this global choice we are
facing is not beyond anyone’s grasp to understand.
Yours for peace,
Letter to Ambassador Jubeir of Saudi Arabia
Your Excellency,
My organization is working to create an international government based on the US Constitution and the cooperation of nature. As of today, people in 76 nations, including many Muslim nations, support the plan for the international government.
This week, Baghdadi issued a threat to King Abdullah, declaring he is not the legitimate leader of your nation, and called for ISIS to rise up against you. I would like to offer you a solution to this crisis.
The solution is to join in participation in the proposed international government.
The power games that ISIS is playing are oppressive to the people, and to your government, and what oppressed people lack is equality. The plan for the international government guarantees to every person on the planet equal rights, and for all the world leaders to be considered equal, also.
The international government is an additional layer of government over what already exists, and does not attempt to change what is in a country. It respects a nation's right to it culture and religion.
Power comes not from oppression, but from assuming responsibility to undo the damage that those who have no social conscience have done, and by guaranteeing the rights of all Saudis, there is no question in the minds of the people that King Abdullah is the legitimate leader of Saudi Arabia.
Our proposal is online along with the planning to carry the proposal all the war to fruition at a world conference of leaders. I could send you a proposal, but online it can be translated into Arabic, and you can see why so many Muslims around the world believe our plan is the solution to the crises they are facing.
Find the proposal and the planning at http://www.oneworldgov.org.
Because this proposal is like one brick in the foundation of a major building, and other bricks come first, I ask that you approach President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry to discuss their parts in bringing out the international government. The two US proposals, including our Exit Strategy for Iraq, are online and can be translated into Arabic, also.
I can be reached by phone at 541 412 7000 or cell at 541 661 0670 if you have any questions.
Your Excellency,
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Dear President Obama: We are facing a global genocide
November 13, 2014
Our organization is working to introduce a plan for an international government based on the US Constitution and the cooperation of nature. As of today, people in 76 nations, including Muslim nations, support the plan for the international government.
The Republican perspective is based on the a schism that formed with the neocon influence, but it is based on a sense of illusion. It is as if events have pushed everything off base, and that this is now the norm, but that is not the case at all. No one will move forward with things as they are.
To put troops back into Iraq, at the urging of the military advisors, will devolve into a feud.
The knee jerk reaction that the military is recommending, based on fighting a war, will not end the conflict, but make the conflict worse. It is a genocide, not a war. It devolved from a sense of judgment. President Bush told a Grand Lie to justify the preemptive strike. You cannot keep attacking a sovereign country and justify more deaths, nor can you say you are sorry and walk away.
President Bush's reaction was the surge, but the that option is no longer possible. The reason is that the conflict will escalate, and with Muslims in nearly every nation on the planet, we could find ourselves in a global war with us facing the rest of the planet. If that occurs, we won't win that war.
The only solution is the international government, starting with addressing the issue that Saddam Hussein was attempting to comply with UN sanctions by destroying WMD.
I have a proposal that addresses the choice the United States must make to participate in the creation of the international government. It is not online with our other proposals.
The other thing to address is that the schism that has occurred within governments around the world. There are two plans for an international government that are circulating. Within the governments, one individual in power is standing on the principles, and it threatens the security and support of another person of power, who responds by playing power games. As you talk about this plan with other world leaders, you may find that you are not speaking of the same plan that they are.
As the world leaders have jockeyed for power, the games of war, massacre and terrorism have reached their ultimate conclusion while the games of genocide and slavery have pushed the pendulum further out. There is a great deal of illusion. Things are not as they seem. It is if there is an optical illusion, and it is very powerful. No one really has the same perspective of the plan as you do, or as I do. This is why it must come slowly and in perfect order, step by step, and everyone must see how it will benefit them to participate.
As the crisis devolves, people will be fighting for their lives, and attempting to make agreements that actually reinforce their games, such as extortion. The last stage of the genocide is that the perpetrators of the genocide believe they have been victimized.
This is the hardest test that any president in the history of the United States has faced. We are facing a global genocide, and the illusion is very strong. The plan for the international government is the solution.
Yours for peace,
Karen Holmes
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