Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering September 11, 2001 by ending terrorism

Today marks the 10th anniversary of what could be considered to be the largest terrorist attack in the history of the planet. The events of September 11, 2001 triggered a series of reactions and repercussions, and the ripples continue to expand out, drawing in more and more people. As this is being written, there is heightened security around the United States because of a threat to retaliate for the death of Osama bin Laden.

The real question becomes, how do you end terrorism?

For any plan to be successful, it must address the root cause of the crisis. President Bush declared that terrorism comes because "there are good people and bad people, and the bad people want to hurt the good people." Who has the right to judge who is good or bad? From one perspective, a man may be a terrorist, and from the other, he is a patriot.

The root cause of terrorism is that "people on the bottom have no voice, and must raise their voice to be heard, oftentimes to the point of violence."

There are three criteria for world peace:

1. Every person on the planet must be able to create his or her life without interference.

2. Every person on the planet must be treated fairly and equally.

3. Every person on the planet must have a voice in his or her government.

Under the World Peace Plan, these inalienable rights from the Creator of us all are guaranteed.

Our series of proposals carry the idea forward step by step, proving the capacity of The World Peace Plan to resolve the crises we are facing as a planet, including terrorism. The first step is an exit strategy for Iraq. Its precursor involves conflict resolution.

Be sure to Track Our Progress on our webpage.

Help for the Super Committee on Deficit Reduction

In a movement, the first people to come in are those who stand on the principles. They rise up in protest when they see oppression. The second group are those who are financially affected. Then comes the people whose lives are affected, and as the Super Committee in Washington, DC starts to cut the social programs, many people will fit into the third group, and they will join the protest.

The committee is getting down to work, paring the budget of any excess. Time is short. They are asking for help. Here it is.

Under the World Peace Plan...

There will be no more wars, and so there will be no need to maintain such a huge Department of Defense. We will segue from war-based thinking to competing economically. That won't be a problem because nations will be able to turn inside of themselves to enable their people to prosper. A nation that is oppressive to its people will continue to lose power in the international House of Representatives.

There is no need for foreign aid. Those nations who now receive US aid will segue out of dependence on the US, and assume responsibility for enabling their people to prosper. Oftentimes third world nations have huge reserves of natural resources. Let's let them benefit the people, shall we?

The private sector will assume responsibility for the cut social programs through our Lift the Public economic stimulus plan that allows any business to become partially tax exempt.

There you go. Global renaissance!

We have a series of proposals that carry the idea of the global renaissance forward, step by step.