Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Congressman DeFazio: How to be unbeatable

Our organization is working to create an international government based on the US Constitution and the cooperation of nature. As of today, people in 78 nations, including Muslim nations, support the plan for the international government.

The conflict in the Middle East is devolving as a global genocide, not a war. That is why it is so hard to end. The knee-jerk reaction that ends a war, makes a genocide worse. Military intervention won't work because there are sleeper cells in every nation, and they can rise at any time. We cannot fight a conflict in 200 fronts, even with a coalition of nations at our side, because we don't know who our friends are or who are enemies are.

Perpetrators of genocides weave an illusion, and they hate the truth, so the more you find out, the more risk you run.

We are in a dilemma situation. We cannot escalate, stay the course, or back down. Just like all dilemmas, the solution is to do what is in everyone's best interest. That is the plan for the international government.

Our first proposal-an Exit Strategy for Iraq-- ends the conflict in Iraq, but it must be based on US choice to participate in the creation of the international government.

The power games nations play are oppressive to the people, and there is a balancing principle for each of the games. People who have been oppressed lack equality, so by guaranteeing equality, you touch the hearts of the people, and people who have been in a genocide lack their liberty, so by guaranteeing the rights to all the people, you overcome the effects of the genocide.

The United States is unbeatable if we stand on the principles of equality, liberty, freedom, capacity, abundance, compassion and tolerance. The application of this is the proposed international government.

One at a time, nations will let go of the battles and make their choice whether to participate in the creation of the international government.  

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Your Excellency: ISIS Sleeper Cells

26 March, 2015

Your Excellency:

As of today, people in 78 nations, including Muslim nations, support the plan for the international government.

Recently, CIA Director, John Brennan, declared there are ISIS sleeper cells in 90 nations. With Muslims in nearly every nation, that statistic may be low. Understanding how to prevent the rise of ISIS is vital to the security of the entire planet. Creating a coalition of nations to fight ISIS may seem like the solution, but it backs the coalition into the corner. By overpowering ISIS, it will rise in another location, or several locations simultaneously.

A schism has formed between governments and people, with one side standing on the principles and the other side falling back to power games. Schisms go through a series of stages--"battles"--until one side walks away. Schisms make nations vulnerable to outside influence.

ISIS is one of the ripples that have spun off from the preemptive strike on Iraq, a judgment against Saddam Hussein. Each of the nations that are part of our first year's proposals fell into crisis because of a sense of judgment. ISIS is not a terrorist organization, where it will fade away one you offer them a voice. ISIS is also perpetrating a genocide, a power game that continues to draw in people until someone says "stop."

What people who have been in a genocide lack is their inalienable rights, so the solution is to guarantee the inalienable rights to all the people on the planet, and the application of that is to support the plan for the international government. We ask that you open debate on the inalienable rights people have to be able to create one's life without interference, to be treated fairly and equally, and to have a voice in one's government. The United States will work to guarantee inalienable rights as we work to amend our Constitution to create the additional layer of government over what already exists.

Yours for peace,

Karen Holmes,

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Congressman DeFazio: Proposal for ending the conflict in Iraq and the rise of ISIS

15 March, 2015

My organization has been working to introduce a plan for an international government based on the U.S. Constitution and the cooperation of nature. As of today, people in 78 nations, including Muslim nations, support the plan for the international government.

The first proposal to create the international government is our Exit Strategy for Iraq. It allows us to extricate ourselves from the conflict in Iraq, but simultaneously, the ferderal government must address the Constitutional Amendment proposal, because it prevents the rise of ISIS. The conflict in Iraq triggered a global genocide, and the knee-jerk reaction that ends a war make a genocide worse.

Military escalation will create a feud, not end the conflict. CIA director, John Brennan, declared ISIS is rising in 90 nations now. It is like cutting the head off the Hydra; it is a nightmare as it sprouts two new heads for every one you cut off.

The solution is to introduce our legislation for the Exit Strategy for Iraq and the Constitutional Amendment proposals to Congress and to open them to debate. We can assume responsibility for ending the conflict in Iraq, but we also must stand on the principles of the international government to counter the rise of extremism.

Time is short, with the rise of ISIS, and two strong presidential contenders are throwing their hats into the ring--both supporters of the preemptive strike--and the release of the Colcott Report about Tony Blair's involvement in Iraq.

People in 78 nations now support the plan for the international government because it stands on the principles of fairness and equality, and gives mankind the choice to go up rather than to devolve into a global conflict.

Our government has a choice now. We can ignore the crisis, pass it on to future generations, and that is relying on the United Nations to solve the crisis. That option is no longer tenable with the rise of ISIS. If we go down into military response, as is propounded by many Republicans and Hillary Clinton, we start a feud--a global conflict--and we cannot wage ware on 90 fronts. That path leads to the creation of a global caliphate for the international structure. The only solution that allows mankind to function on a higher level is the proposed international government.