Monday, December 29, 2014

Unraveling the Illusion Created by the Iraq Genocide

Dear President Obama:

Our organization is working to create an international government based on the U.S. Constitution and the cooperation of nature. As of today, people in 77 nations, including Muslim nations, support the plan for the international government.

Tomorrow, December 30th, marks the anniversary of the death of Saddam Hussein. At one time he was considered an ally of the United States. Once President Bush and his administration realized that he would not be able to stabilize Iraq, he could have gone to Saddam Hussein with a win-win agreement. Instead, the Grand Lie to justify the war continued to send out ripples of effects.

The judgment against him devolved not as a war, but a genocide, and the illusion that genocides are based on is still going out, ripple after ripple. Once the Grand Lie has been told, no one knows who to trust. In the past, I told you that overcoming the illusion must be done by demonstration. That is the role that we, as America, must address. We must stand on the principles that made us great as a nation.

Those who function for their own interests take advantage of the conflict. People see the issue from different perspectives, and they may be miles apart. An example of this is the dictator who is an ally on the War on Terror, and functions entirely for his own interests. It seems like working together would be a win-win agreement, but not if he is undermining his own people who are standing in protest of unfair practices.

It would be easy to listen to the advice of your military experts to accelerate the military strikes against ISIS, but that will create a feud, something you do not wish to do, because it makes the crisis much worse--unending--just as the death of Saddam Hussein made the easy solution more difficult.

The solution is the Exit Strategy for Iraq, our proposal, only training the Iraqis to handle their own battles, and to face the issue that Saddam Hussein was innocent of the charges against him that justified the preemptive strike. That may not be something you wish to do, but my organization can, because we are also introducing a way to end the crisis so that everyone can function on a higher level.

Yours for peace,

Karen Holmes,

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Winter Solstice Marks the Beginning of Focus on Creativity!

Today is the winter solstice of the northern hemisphere, and the beginning of a new yearly cycle. We, who are part of the new global faith known as the Faith of the Pure Ray start to focus on the teachings of Christianity, which teaches the principles of Creativity. While Christians all over the world prepare to celebrate their traditional Christmas holiday, we are drawing in any individual on the planet who has an idea for a project that benefits everyone, and is willing to start to create it.

The Faith of the Pure Ray is a new global faith the draws all seven of the world's major religions into one spiritual body. Each of the major religions teaches one segment of the knowledge.  In the future, clerics from each of the major religions will work together in one "church" to teach people who wish to learn how to create the life they want, the principles of their religions.

Find out more about the Faith of the Pure Ray at

The Fundamental Changes Necessary For World Peace

Dear President Obama:

Our organization is working to create an international government based on the U.S. Constitution and the cooperation. As of today, people in 77 nations, including Muslim nations, support the plan for the international government.

The plan for the international government is open to debate, and people all over the world know about it and believe it solves all the problems. The potential is there, but now it is time to bring it about.

The power a nation has is derived from the people, no matter how despotic a leader is. World peace must come not as the result of a treaty between world leaders, but from the people.

World peace requires a fundamental change in how people function. It is a personal commitment, not the matter of casting a vote or posting a "like" on Facebook. The affiliate members we have gathered have "liked" the plan, but that has only allowed us to leverage the idea for the plan onto the government level.

Now comes the fundamental change. The time for debate will continue, but people must transition from war-based thinking to peace-based thinking. Once again, by demonstration, we are starting with opening the idea on the widest perspective possible--the reason for these messages to you and to the diplomatic community--and amongst our potential independent members to draw them into the process.

Today is the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere, the day that represents the beginning of a new cycle--the light is coming back into the world.

Prior to this day, as the days were getting darker, symbolically people were being squeezed. People have been like seeds, comfortable in their own little pods, but there is only potential, no sense of drive to a seed. The squeezing action places the seed into an uncomfortable place, that it must break out of the comfort zone and start to be the being it was programmed to be.

People have relied on jobs that are safe, jobs that offer benefits and financial security so the individuals can purchase houses, for example. That is important to a stable economy, but in the long run, it won't work. The new economy will be based on the principles of the cooperation of nature, and in the future, people will be basing their personal income on one's talents and gifts, and making win-win agreements. It is as if people will have to create their own jobs rather than to rely on procuring jobs that already exist.

An example of how this will transition on the international level is with the United States. We are an industrial nation, and a breadbasket, and that is safe and secure, but so are many other nations. What makes us unique on the international level is our constitution. This is our national niche.

People from all over the world believe the United States has greater rights and freedom to function on a higher level. People have come to America for years and creating a melting pot of cultures and religions.

The focus now is on finding a niche, based on a nation's natural resources, and many other factors, and the individual's talents and gifts, and using that concept to enable everyone to function on a higher level.

To enable the United States to transition to our niche, under Universal Law, we must enable others to create their niche. This enables the United States to draw in England with the Oxford and Stonehenge event. We are helping England to transition to their traditional and historical niche, of unification and conflict resolution, something that England has forgotten into their drive to be safe and secure--which ultimately led England to be less safe and less secure.

I am demonstrating the same concepts within my organization to draw in the potential independent members that are necessary to enable Oxford and Stonehenge events to come about.

Our first proposal is the Exit Strategy for Iraq, which sets the stage for disputes between nations to be resolved in a legitimate and recognized  international court, rather than the battlefield, and the monies now wasted on war to go to benefit the people, instead. As the successful demonstration of unification and conflict resolution is addressed at Oxford and Stonehenge, the U.S. economy will start to transition, also.

Friday, December 12, 2014

His Excellency Lukman Faily (Ambassador from Iraq to the United States)

Your Excellency,

Our organization is working to create an international government based on the U.S. Constitution and the cooperation of nature. As of today, people in 77 nations, including Muslim nations, support the plan for the international government.

Our first proposal is an Exit Strategy for Iraq, and our proposal leads to the creation of an international court system so that disputes between nations will be taken off the battlefield, saving many lives, and also infrastructure. If the international court system of our proposed international government had been in effect at the time of the Gulf War, Saddam Hussein would have taken Kuwait to court for its horizontal drilling into Iraqi oil fields rather than attempting to invade Kuwait.

With the entire Coalition forces bearing down on Iraq in 2003, Saddam Hussein could have taken George W. Bush to court, and the dispute would have been resolved without loss of lives.

"Occupation takes, and liberation gives."

You can find out more about the plan for the international government and the two proposals that affect Iraq at

I recommend you take this issue to the diplomatic community and open it to debate. Our organization recommends that as part of the transition process to create the proposed international government, that the diplomatic community debate this issue, and that Iraq and the United States demonstrate together the potential of this proposal to solve the issue of disputes between nations.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Declaration of Inalienable Rights

Today people all over the world turn their attention to the issue of human rights. To stand in protest of human rights violations, and for your voice to be respected, there must be a plan that benefits everyone. It is not enough to stand in protest and to expect people who function for their own interests to change their behavior.

The plan for the proposed international government is the way to guarantee the inalienable rights we have as citizens of this planet. The plan is based on doing what is in everyone's best interest, and therefore our plan is being regarded by even those who have no social conscience.

The first issue on our agenda is guaranteeing to every person on the  planet their inalienable rights. It is a matter of basing the plan on a proven concept, and that is the U.S. Constitution.

Our Founding Fathers lived in a time of great oppression. You can see their longing for peace and tranquility when your read the Declaration of Independence. Once they achieved their right to sovereignty, by drawing together the colonists with a common cause, then they were placed in the remarkable position that if living under the oppressive regime of King George III didn't suit them, what would?

They understood what they didn't want, but then they had to decide what they did want, and then create a plan that enabled them to achieve their goal of "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."

Generation after generation, the plan has unfolded, and issues that clarify the American identity have come up to be addressed.

Now it is time for the same series of events to be replayed, and for the same choices to be made, but this time on global scale.

Our goal is the inalienable rights that the Creator of us all to be granted to every person on the planet.

They have always been there, but as we as individuals create by default, and assume positions of power as chosen leadership, those rights are abrogated. As their own agenda reaches its ultimate conclusion, it backlashes and that individual loses power, and is replaced.

The first step is to identify one's nations as "deserving" the rights that are guaranteed by our Creator, which is not what it seems, because rights are not based on deserving, but guaranteed. No one "de-serves" inalienable rights because to abrogate those rights is to lose one's power.

The inalienable rights granted to us by our Creator are:

  • To create the life we want without interference,
  • to be treated fairly and equally,
  • and to have a voice in our government.
The application of those inalienable rights is expressed in the U.S. Constitution.

To enable every person on the planet their inalienable rights, we must, as a planet, follow the same course that our Founding Fathers took to create the United States of America.

While the United States is the teacher by demonstration that this concept will work, the results for the international government will be much higher. With the input of people all over the planet, given the right to speak and express concerns to be addressed by the general assembly--called the leadership council--a group of individuals who have proven their intent by standing on the principles of fairness and equality--then mankind will progress on the path to its creation.

The leadership council exists. That is the diplomatic community in every nation. At this time they have plenipotentiary powers within their own nations, but none internationally. They will enable delegations to form from within their own nations to represent their cultures within the international government only. It won't be until the conference of world leaders occurs that the international government will have the rights to dispense rights to the peoples.

Monday, December 8, 2014

The Faith of the Pure Ray

Each of the world's seven major religions teaches one segment of the body of knowledge that is necessary to understand to create the life you want. By drawing all the religions together into one spiritual body of teachings, it is possible for people to create the life each wants.

Each segment of these spiritual teachings is based on one stage of the planning process. If you know the root cause of a crisis, with the planning process, you can find the solution. These are ancient teachings, found within the symbology of the Rainbow and Tarot cards.

Jesus taught the principles of Creativity, which is associated with the color red. Red is a symbol of coming up with a plan.

Moses taught the principles of Productivity, the color orange,
which brings in the people you need to help you. 

Gautama Buddha taught the principles of getting the support you need. Yellow is the color of Buddhism, and of Prosperity.

The Prophet Muhammad taught the principles of Equality. 

Rama taught the principles of Security, and blue is the color of Hinduism. His rescue of his wife, Sita, in the Ramayana is an example of the principles of Security.

Confucius taught the principles of Capacity, 
which in the Rainbow is the color indigo.

Lao Tzu taught Tolerance and Empowerment, which in in the Rainbow is the color violet.

In the future, clerics from each of the seven religions will come together under one roof and teach the people who are working to create the life they want the principles of their religions. In the same building will be offices of the proposed international government, which will guarantee their inalienable rights to create their life without interference.

The image at the top of this post is the flag of the Faith of the Pure Ray.


Faith of the Pure Ray Project:

World Peace Marketing Strategy:

New Global Holiday: Christ Mass Announced

Karen Holmes, the principal of The World Peace Organization for the One World Government, is announcing the first holiday of the spiritual year, Christ Mass, to be celebrated on December 21, 2014. 

Christ Mass is not just for Christians. It is a global holiday that is one of the seven holidays celebrated as part of the Faith of the Pure Ray.

The Faith of the Pure Ray draws together all the world's seven major religions into one spiritual body of knowledge that is necessary to understand to create the life you want. It makes no difference what your religion is, when you start out on the journey to create the life you want, you first must apply the principles of Christianity and Creativity, the symbol for it is the color red. 

Jesus of Nazareth taught the principles of Creativity to his culture at a time when they were open to his lessons. His teachings focused on the lessons of the Beatitudes, still taught today. It was a time of great social and political turmoil. 

The yearly calendar of holidays is based on the ancient teachings of the planning process. If you know the root cause of a crisis, with the planning process, you can find the solution to the crisis.  The symbology is the Rainbow, not just a symbol of hope (to the Prophet Noah,) but a promise from the Creator of us all that there is a solution to every crisis.  

Our focus now turns to solving problems, creating a  plan that enables everyone on the planet to function on a higher level, based on the principles of Creativity.

Eventually, priests and ministers and pastors of the Christian religion will come together to teach these principles of their religion in Faith of the Pure Ray churches, basically schools that draw together all the seven major religions into one building. In the same building will be offices of the proposed international government to guarantee the rights of the people to create the life each wants without interference.

To find out more about the Faith of the Pure Ray, please go to The Faith of the Pure Ray

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Dear President Obama: In regards to Cuba..

Our organization is working to create an international government based on the U.S. Constitution and the cooperation of nature. As of today, people in 77 nations, including Muslim nations, support the plan for the international government.

Not all nations are ready simultaneously to join the plan for the international government. Even if they like the plan, nations may not be ready. There is a squeezing actions that occurs first and a Moment of Choice.

Our proposals are offered in a specific order from the most general to the more specific, and one triggers the others and builds on the foundation that is being created.

In  regards to Cuba, and foreign policy related to normalizing relations, Cuba is not ready to come into the process.

With the Moment of Choice, there is a series of "battles" that are established, and on a parallel basis, it is like a husband and wife going through a hostile divorce. One stands on the principles and one stands on the power games, and may even resort to acts of revenge. If the one who goes down into the games gets revenge, it draws in others, and it creates a coalition against the one who stands on the principles.

To recognize the one who stands on the games as the legitimate government, it kicks the nation off balance and creates a civil war.

This is what occurred in Iraq.

The first 8 nations, including the United States, has fallen into crisis because of this.

As in a divorce, the children are affected, but also neighbors and others who normally would not have a say in the relationship. It is very important to address the root cause of the crisis to leave out the sense of judgment and to find a sense of balance through conflict resolution between the original two.

Cuba is still going through the series of battles, and by going in too soon, this will break open a conflict that will trigger others and spiral out of control.

With acts of revenge, each of the games-players undermines the one who brought him into the coalition.

Iraq is the conflict that triggered a global genocide, and that must come first. It addresses the rationale for creating an international court system that enables disputes between nations to be resolved without loss of lives.

Yours for peace,

Karen Holmes,