Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Space Race? Turn Right Here Now

This month, thousands of people will be traveling to Rachel, Nevada, the closest town to the secret military testing base known as Area 51, as part of a Facebook post that went viral.  How many will show up to "see them aliens?" Yesterday I saw an SUV pulling a small white utility trailer headed south, a painted green alien with two red reflector eyes on the back doors and Area 51 on the sides, so I can assume they are part of the thousands who will show up.

Space is on many minds. Several nations have gone to the moon, a stepping stone to Mars and beyond. A new space race seems to have started, but will there actually be a space race? Is a space race between nations in anyone's best interest? Space travel is expensive. Can individual nations afford to divert funds to the race? How are corporations funded? How about redundant research? How about militarizing space?  Every plan must eventually address the glitches. 

In "A Manual for Peace," which will be recommended reading for the Exit Strategy for Iraq proposal, Seth tells us there are 80 aliens species on the planet. Of those who are here, how many are ambassadors from their home planet, offering the Earth--and mankind-- help based on Universal Law, that if they help us, they will receive help in return? How many function for their own interests, and so how can we trust them? How many are here as part of a hostile takeover of the planet or are working to stymie mankind or to prevent us from becoming an equal part of the galactic community? They will assist one nation but leave the others behind? If one nation becomes an "alien sympathizer," how can we defend ourselves from that? How much damage can be done before we solve that crisis? 

How can we know who to trust? 

Universal Law is based on seven principles--Equality, Liberty, Freedom, Compassion, Abundance, Capacity and Tolerance. These principles create balance, but intolerance devolves into wars. 

These principles create a framework based on the principles of the cooperation of nature where every part shares what is easy to share in win-win agreements, and gets in return 10x, 100x, 1000x what they invest. These agreements are not based on compromise, where each side must sacrifice, but give what benefits them to give, so they build very strong bonds-covalent bonds--that build trust and set the stage for future agreements. When there is shared research, there is no need to waste efforts. 

This framework creates a paradigm shift in how mankind functions. Instead of relying on power games of one-upmanship, which go against Universal law and always lead to backlashes, The old paradigm has led us all to reach the understanding that we cannot get our life by playing the games. The new paradigm is that we can get our life, but not by playing them games. The next step is to actually create the life we want. 

Our organization has three innovative inventions that are based on these seven principles. If you have Universal Law and the seven principles that enable mankind to make the paradigm shift, and then the application of these principles is the Space Race, where we are not controlled by an alien race but equal members of the galactic community and creating the life we want, these three inventions combine to create a space drive that can take mankind to the stars. We lift ourselves out of the paradigm gravity well of the old paradigm and into space.