Friday, December 21, 2018

Don't pull the troops out of Syria and Afghanistan!

Donald Trump has announced he will pull US troops out of both Syria and Afghanistan, but there is no need to do so if his plan is in regards to the proposed international government. Everything must come slowly and in perfect order. Our planning addresses every step involved with the creation of the proposed international government. We don't recommend any changes be made in military defense.

Holidays are a time for celebration, and at times the fighting stops and the soldiers will cross the lines and share a bottle of wine with the enemy. When the new millennium started, there was an unofficial global cease fire, and wars stopped for a day as everyone celebrated. There will be a time of celebration like none other when the world leaders sign the invitation to participate in the conference in Europe that is given to them by their people. That celebration will occur all over the world.  

The first government proposal is our Exit Strategy for Iraq, and the first step is to take disputes between nations off the battlefield and into the courts. Before that government proposal is accepted by the United States, Iraq, and the United Kingdom, troops can remain on their bases, out of harm's way, and families can celebrate that their loved one will return safely home. 


Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Return of the Past Presidents

This post would probably be better suited to our Track Our Progress blog, but this week is the funeral of President George H.W. Bush, and he played a very important role in our first government proposal.

It would be very nice to be able to take credit for the plan for the international government, but no one owns the U.S. Constitution, and no one owns the principles of the cooperation of nature, and I am a channel, and nearly every government proposal and book is channeled messages. For the most part, my guides are past kings, queens and presidents who are returning to undo the damage they have done during their lifetimes. As we gather to celebrate the life of George H.W. Bush, we can also look forward to his return.

The first lesson we are learning as a planet is where true power comes from, so imagine the power these men and women had during their lifetimes, but if their power came as the result of power grabs, which go against Universal Law, they eventually faced the backlashes from the games, and their power grab resulted in the loss of power. True power comes from assuming responsibility, and as they led their nations, did they demonstrate greater power in their daily jobs or when they waged war? We watch our presidents and say "now he looks presidential," but what does that really mean? And, as they work to undo the damage they did while in power to bring world peace, this may be when they demonstrate their greatest power.

People around the world see American presidents differently. Some see them as great men and other see them as scoundrels. Our first government proposal is our Exit Strategy for Iraq. President George H.W. Bush waged war on Iraq in the Gulf War to stop Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait. I remember vividly the nighttime missile strikes, where the night was lit up bright as day, and trying to imagine what it would be like for the Iraqi people to be in the receiving end of all those missiles. I remember the hundreds of American tanks rumbling across the desert and the Iraqi soldiers with rifles running from them, throwing down their guns and surrendering. I remember the long line of oil well fires sending up huge plumes of black smoke, and wondering how anyone could put them out. It was a short war, and because of the overwhelming power of the U.S. military, relatively few casualties on both sides. George H.W. Bush waged what could be considered a "neat war,"  and that should have been the end of the matter, but it wasn't. Saddam Hussein was sanctioned, but the sanctions led to the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children, and, according to Wikipedia, Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait to protest their slant-drilling into Iraqi oil fields. Saddam Hussein knew that the United States would one day return for the oil, and he started to prepare, and when George W. Bush was elected, his worst fears were manifested.

Our first government proposal addresses the principles of revenge, of how it works and why it doesn't. Five groups of people came together to get revenge on Saddam Hussein. The Gulf War set the stage for the Iraq War, which devolved as a genocide, not a war, and when George W. Bush and Tony Blair drew in the Coalition nations, they played the game of Greed, which led to massacres. That drew in the world leaders, such as President Saleh of Yemen, who played the game of Lust, which triggered the rise of ISIS and slavery, and that brought in the terrorists like Al Qaeda. Ripples of effects have gone out to draw in more and more people, including the War in Yemen and the humanitarian crisis with the starvation of thousands of Yemeni children.

Each of our government proposals addresses a failed American policy. The first is the preemptive strike and regime change. That created a schism in the world known as Armageddon. When Saddam Hussein stood on the principles, it threatened the security and support of George W. Bush, who went down into the power games, and their dispute affected the lives of many average people around the world. Our proposal leads to the creation of an international court system so disputes between nations are resolved in court rather than the battlefield, and the monies wasted on war will go to the people instead, saving lives and resources.

The contingency for our government proposal is that Americans work together to amend our Constitution. When we denied the Iraqi people their unalienable rights to live their lives without interference, under Universal Law, we lost our rights. What we did to Iraq is now happening to us. To regain our power, we must work to undo the damage we have done, just as the past kings, queens are presidents are doing.


Sunday, September 30, 2018

Who Will be Chosen for the International Supreme Court?

When the constitution for the international government is written and signed, it will be decided then how the international government will function, such as who is eligible for office, term of office, rights, duties and privileges, and so on, including Supreme Court justices.

The basis for the international government is the U.S. Constitution, and so all eyes are on the United States to see how it functions, and also watching to see what is working and what is not working. The focus now is on the confirmation process for the vacant US Supreme Court seat, and people are wondering how to avoid the same crisis, but multiplied many times over, when confirming an international Supreme Court justice. 

Supreme Court justices in the United States have lifetime terms. They are promoted to the position from existing judges, nominated by the president, and confirmed by the Senate, which represents the rights of the people. The Supreme Court justices decide whether the laws that come before them are constitutional, and their interpretations of the law sway the legal system for decades to come, and so they have a profound effect on the lives of the people. Their decisions can also be overturned if proven that their justification is faulty. The constitution can be amended, but it takes a lengthy process to do so. The Constitution evolves.  

For many years, U.S. Supreme Court justices were confirmed by a vast majority of the Senate. The number of required votes to confirm a nominee was set high to ensure that the nominee would suit both parties. Now, with a majority of Republicans in both Houses and a Republican president, and the number of  required votes has been lowered to a simple majority, and nominees that would not have been confirmed in the past are being confirmed.

We are all starting to see what works and what doesn't work. How can we do it better?

Our organization is calling for an Article V  amendment convention to create the additional layer of government over what already exists, and that requires 2/3 of the States to pass resolutions to petition the US Congress to  hold the convention, and then 3/4 of the States must ratify the amendment. For a lifetime appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court, a simple majority of the Senate is not sufficient. A minimum of a 2/3 majority of senators should be required--3/4 majority is best. 

Who can pass such a test? If the world leaders today were each able to nominate a candidate to the international Supreme Court, who would be nominated? Who would be confirmed? 

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Are China and Russia Together the Next Superpower?

Form email to Senator Ron Wyden regarding the rise of China and Russia:

My organization is working to create an international government based on the US Constitution and the cooperation of nature.

This morning, there is an article on NBC news, called "' Russia, China embrace uneasily, aim for 'desirable world order' Moscow-Beijing relations are "showing dynamic growth." Their idea of cooperation is demonstrating that Asia is the next superpower. Last week, Tony Blair was interviewed, and said he hoped the United States and Europe could unite to create a solid resistance, so he must believe the United States cannot be trusted to help to resist the rise of Russia and China domination.

China and Russia are basing their rise in power on power games they developed over the years, and the collapse of the US power base as the result of the preemptive strike on Iraq is allowing them the opportunity to take their plans to the next level.

The opportunities are ending for the United States to exercise our power. Our diplomats go into other nations and are scorned. Bush and Clinton had shoes thrown at them, and were left out of meetings at summits. To prevent the US from becoming a third world nation we must address where true power comes from. This fall in power based on power grabs is no different than someone who relies on alcohol to compensate for  lack of compassion, and begins to fall into the abyss. It is a similar process to rise out of the abyss, but the longer we wait, the harder it will be.

The US now has three choices. We can continue on as is. Trump is playing the same series of power games Bush played and so we should hit the edge of the abyss soon. Or, Trump can keep pushing his failed policy of maximum pressure, and wage war on China and Russia, and we will be at war with the rest of the world. Both are existential threats and lead to the US becoming a failed state. Or, we can do what is in everyone's best interest, and join the growing number of nations who see the plan for the international government as the solution to this crisis.

I have been offering the US government through you, our elected officials, information that will allow the United States to function on a higher level. What you have done with it has been up to you. I have been teaching the rest of the world through our blogs, and now I must step back and allow you to figure out for yourself whether our government will listen to the advice.

My perspective now is to consider the United States to be equal to all the other nations. The first government  proposal is the Exit Strategy for Iraq, but it's contingency is that the United States agree to amend our Constitution to create the additional layer of government--through an Article V amendment convention. Congress has proven it cannot solve these problems so it must turn responsibility over to someone who can--the People and the States.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Alternate Facts = Genocide

Do you remember Kellyanne Conway talking about Alternate Facts? I just finished reading an article on the Vox website about the two Russians who are being accused of the Skripal poisoning, and how their version of the truth—their alternate facts--makes no sense. But, it does make sense. This is how genocides devolve.

Genocides are based on weaving an illusion, and, as I have said many times, when the president of the United States talks about fake news and alternate facts, you can bet a genocide is devolving. The alternate facts allow those who are weaving an illusion to draw in more people and to reinforce the lies. But, once the grand lie has been told, the truth doesn’t overcome the lie. It just reaches the point where no one knows who to trust.

You can trust Universal Law. That is the only thing anyone can trust at this time. To end the illusion, I have worked to introduce it into the US legal system as a tenet of our legal system. The legal system of the proposed international government will be based on Universal Law. So, whoever is weaving an illusion is demonstrating that they are perpetrating a genocide, and all we  have to do is to recognize the power games when we see them.

Genocides are based on a sense of judgment. People who play the game have an issue related to capacity—lack of capacity, and so they Envy other’s capacity. This leads to a sense of judgment. Under Universal law, they will be judged.

My proposal and planning steps for the  Exit Strategy for Iraq address how to bring both sides of “reality” back together. It brings George W. Bush and one of Saddam Hussein’s lieutenants into court. While it would seem not in the best interests of the United States to face the fact that we perpetrated an illegal war, the policy of preemption was a character defamation campaign against Saddam Hussein, and we started a global genocide.

The trust will return when nations start to function based on the principles of the cooperation of nature. Win-win agreements build trust and set the stage for future agreements.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

How Can One World Government Compete?

The United States still has a great deal of power, but it is collapsing, and we are being backed into the proverbial corner. The fall of the United States started with the Iraq War, when no WMD were found. Other world leaders started to jockey for power to see who will be the next superpower. Russia and China are both expanding their global influence. Who will end up on top? How can what appears to be just an idea for an international government compete? 

The same process occurs with every fall, on every level. The power games continue on until an innocent person is crucified--is sacrificed--and then there is an immediate backlash to the games. The games never worked, because the games go against Universal Law, but it took time for the backlashes to be seen.

There are seven power games, known as the Seven Deadly Sins. The Catholic church wields enormous power around the world, too. The Catholic church has taught its young people about the sins, but how many priests have been sinning? When they target innocent children, they lose their power. It is just a matter of time before China and Russia target an innocent person, and then they will start to fall, too. 

With the fall of power, the United States is losing its identity, and becoming what is called a Child of Consciousness--and in the case of a nation, we are becoming a "third world nation." People lose their identity when they become known not as themselves, but as a cancer patient or survivor, a diabetic, homeless, a victim, an alcoholic, drug user, or a criminal, a terrorist... 

I channeled two series of books, called the Power Series and the Time Series, that explain this process. They are recommended reading for our first two government proposals. The Time Series explains how Relative Time ends we we are kicked into Absolute Time, where there are unlimited choices. My channeled books represent Absolute Time. 

Everyone plays the power games. The games are bad, not the people. When the games backlash, someone who has overcome the same crisis must be there to help the person understand where he or she is, and demonstrate how to rise out of the crisis. George W. Bush faced the backlashes, but he was able to start to rise out of the crisis because he had done so previously with alcoholism, and he had people all over the world telling him what he was doing that was not in anyone's best interest. 

Until it became apparent that there were no WMD, no one could convince George W. Bush that what he was doing didn't make sense. The world is watching Donald Trump go through this same process. 

This is a moment of choice for the entire world. We cannot continue on relying on the United Nations, because they have demonstrated they cannot end or prevent wars, and by relying on them, you ignore the crisis and pass it on to future generations. No one wants to see Russia or China, or ISIS or any other nation or terrorist organization take over the planet. 

Everything starts first on the spiritual level, then progresses to the mental level, and then finally to the physical level. On the spiritual level, before we were all born, Russia and China were never the superpower they are trying to become. What did occur on the spiritual level was one billion people came together to create an international government that has the capacity to unify the entire planet and to establish a global renaissance. 

This process is how people are squeezed to participate in the creation of the international government. Russian interference is a power grab that goes against Universal Law. Two power games are based on weaving an illusion, and the truth doesn't overcome the lie. It just reaches the point where no one knows who to trust. When the president of the United States talks about fake news, it he or she is playing a power game, and at this point, the only thing you can trust is Universal Law.

The international government will be based on Universal Law.  

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Does the Plan Have to Go Viral on Facebook or Twitter?

There is an evolution to the development of the proposed international government. At first, only a very few people see the full potential of the plan, and then as it evolves, it continues to bring in more people. Every person must be squeezed to let go of the old and to come into the new. The question on everyone's mind is how can the plan go viral? 

Mankind is divided into four segments, and each segment, to come into the World Peace Movement, must be able to get what they want, but not by playing the power games. Mankind is letting go of the power games, because there is always a backlash to the games, and embracing the new paradigm that involves the principles of the cooperation of nature. Donald Trump, for example, promised his supporters he would undo everything President Obama did while in office, and among those things is the plan for the international government. Obama understood the wider perspective. He understands how the Constitution and the U.S. government functions, and has experience in community-based non-profit organization, where people work together on a common cause. Obama can be considered part of the first group of people to come into the framework based on the principles of the cooperation of nature. Donald Trump relies on the existing structure for his security and support, so he doesn't yet see the potential of the plan. He is not open to change, and has gone down into the power games. He could be considered part of the second group of people to come into the plan--unless he functions entirely for his own interests, and then he is part of the fourth and last group to come in.

Eventually, everyone who survives will be part of the framework based on the principles of the cooperation of nature. No one will be left out. 

We can separate people into the four groups, but also into three, based on the choices we make when we are in crisis. When backed into a corner, we see only two options, and both are untenable. One option is to ignore the crisis and pass it on to future generations, and it takes seven generations to undo to damage. The other is to go down into the power games, and face the backlashes from the games. The unseen third option is to stand on the principles and do what is in everyone's best interest. A great example of this is when Kim Jong Un stopped his nuclear threats and instead unified with South Korea. He could not continue to be squeezed, nor to fight a greater force. Both options were untenable. The solution was to unify with South Korea. 

Did that choice back Donald Trump into the corner? Our organization does not expect any nation to give up its nuclear weapons as part of the agreement to participate in the creation of the international government. The only thing people must do is let go of the power games. Nuclear powers will lot go of their stockpiles when everyone evolves out of them. 

We can also separate people in two groups of people. The Star of David is a symbol that is oftentimes associated with genocides, but it is also a sign related to bringing in the people you need to help you create your project. It consists of two opposing equilateral triangles. At the apex of both, at the highest and lowest points, are two people. Opposite to the apices are two parallel lines that represent the experts in their fields. The triangle that points up represents the people who are searching for solutions to problems, and like President Obama, one person has the power to bring it about. The triangle that points down represents the people who have the solution, and the person on the lowest level is the one who has a plan that benefits everyone, but is trying to bring people in to help but is meeting resistance. The first stages of the planning process involve overcoming the resistance, including character defamation, which is an individual form of genocide. The people who are resisting are those who were offered the opportunity to participate in the project, but didn't see the wider perspective. Once the top person and the bottom person come together, the project goes forward. It goes mainstream. It collapses the triangles into a hour-glass shape, and it draws in everyone. This is not an immediate process. Ahmadinejad saw the plan as the opportunity for Iran to be seen as equal to the United States, but Obama was able to start to collapse the opposing triangles. 

If we compare the World Peace Movement to the American Revolution Movement, the Exit Strategy for Iraq is parallel to the Boston Massacre, and as we stand up to defend Saddam Hussein, we are parallel to John Adams's defense of the British soldiers in court. It will take time for this plan to come about. At first, only a small group of people saw the proverbial dark cloud on the horizon. The vast majority of the population of the world relies on the existing structure, which is based on power games that are oppressive to the people. The more oppressive the power games, the more likely segments of the people will choose to join the movement. The rallying cry of the American Revolution was "Join or Die." 

Everyone has a problem and everyone has a solution. Everyone sits at the top and bottom of a triangle. The question now is how to bring the two people together so the triangles collapse.

Thankfully, we have a way to do that. 

Friday, July 27, 2018

Open Letter to Senator Wyden Regarding Russian Interference in US Elections

In regards to how to protect US elections from Russian interference

Russian interference has backed the United States into the corner. We cannot ignore the crisis nor fight Russia. This is a dilemma, and the solution to every dilemma is to do what is in everyone's best interest.

There have been many attempts over the years to change the election process, with issues related to the electoral college, term limits, and campaign financing, but change only occurs easily at the beginning or the end of a cycle. Russian interference in our election can be considered the end of the cycle, so now it is time to consider a whole new approach, one that addresses every issue that to this point has been political suicide to address. If we could leap years into the future, to a world that is living in peace, what would the ideal election process look like?

The plan for the international government requires the United States to purify our legal system of laws and practices that have caused chaos in our legal system from spreading the chaos onto the international level. Now is the time to look at the plan for the international government as the opportunity to make these changes, because this crisis is not just within the United States, it is happening all over the world.

Our organization recommends that anyone can run for office, and no contributions are allowed. There is no need for money if the media offers candidates free election coverage and nonprofit organizations sponsor debates. Elections will be held on the local levels, and winners progress to state and regional levels, and then to the national level, and the winner are those who can solve the problems on every levels.

This process will put pressure on the Russians to address their election process, too. At this point, Putin has no interest in being part of the proposed international government, but people in 85 nations support the plan, and it has opened the door to Iran, Cuba and North Korea. These "rogue" nations would like to be equal to the United States. The first requirement for conflict resolution is that both sides must be considered equal, so this plan has the capacity to bring world peace. All the  United States must do is  to let go of the idea that we are more important than other nations. Our first government proposal starts the process to end disputes between nations in court rather than the battlefield, and the monies wasted on war will go to the people instead. We would no longer have to borrow money from China, but we would start paying them back instead, which is something China may find appealing.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

One Down, Two to Go?

On the world stage, it appears the United States is losing our place as the superpower. Russia and China are growing stronger, and the question is which will prevail.  The United States is still a major player, with a strong economy and military, but failed policies have weakened our place in the world, and Donald Trump has weakened our position further. China is an economic powerhouse, but is in constant search of natural resources, and Russia is adept at undermining the sovereignty of other nations and taking control of industries through its network of oligarchs. Will it be China or Russia?

The truth is, the power games reached their ultimate conclusion when George W. Bush and Tony Blair preemptively invaded Iraq. They collapsed the U.S. power base because the games continue on until an innocent person is crucified (sacrificed), and the fact is, there were no WMD.

Power grabs always lead to a loss of power, and now the proverbial pendulum has swung to its ultimate conclusion so the backlash is immediate.

Every nation is sovereign, and has the right to its own culture and religion. All the nations are equal. When one nation is more important than another, that leads to wars, and wars are oppressive to the people. Why should anyone agree to make China or Russia, or the United States, more important than other nations?

The crises occur on every level, so imagine a small town with 200 hundred families. One family may own the major business, but how can that business function alone? Everyone plays a part. Each has a niche that enables others to function on a higher level. No one can be left out.

Leave out the United States, China and Russia, and there are still 197 or so nations, including the tiny nation of Montenegro, which came into the news lately in regards to NATO. Each has its place in the world.

At that is where we start  to create the international government. The United States is a melting pot of cultures and religions, and can be considered the overview nation, but it is still equal to all other nations. Our organization will work to expose the failed foreign policies that have led to chaos in the U.S. government and in the world, and replace them with plans that can lead to a global renaissance. As the proposals are introduced, nations will understand how to create a niche based on their natural resources.

The first three nations we address are the United States, England and Iraq. We will plug the (money and power) drain on the U.S. economy to the Middle East by settling the dispute between the United States and Iraq in England.

While Trump wields the power of the presidency, and China and Russia wield their power, to see who will be the most important nation on the planet, the rest of the world will be rising in power because it all depends on where true power comes from, and that is also what our first proposals address.

Our organization's bylaws declare we don't accept donations or contributions. We must fund our projects through other sources of income. We believe that supporters must get something in return, a form of win-win agreement, so we are about to launch our first newsletter. "World Peace" will allow subscribers to keep informed as the proposal evolves. Each issue will address one government proposal, and explain its rationale, the principles, and the planning for events so subscribers have in hand a full perspective on the issue for continued reference. Each issue will include a detailed survey to be handed over to the government, and so subscribers will have a voice.   

Monday, July 9, 2018

How to Stop Human Trafficking

In June, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Ivanka Trump honored several people from around the world for their work fighting human trafficking. Honoring these people is not enough. It doesn't address the root cause of the problem, and when your plan doesn't address the root cause of the crisis, it makes it worse. 

Slavery comes from the power game of Lust, and which is one of the five power games related to revenge-- one of the Seven Deadly Sins. People who enslave others fear loss, so they bind people to them and push them away. 

Logically speaking, people who have been dragged into slavery lack their freedom, and to free them from bondage, such as during the Civil War, the slaves need somewhere to go. The Underground Railroad provided the opportunity for people to leave, and the free North allowed them to have their freedom.

How can Donald Trump's plan make the crisis worse? For one thing, Trump's immigration policy sets the stage for human trafficking by denying people who are seeking asylum from having a place to go to escape oppression. 

Human trafficking is occurring within the United States, also, and the place that people can go is the plan for the international government. All Trump has to do to stop human trafficking around the world is to support the plan for the international government, which will be based on the US Constitution. As of today, people in 85 nations support the plan for world peace.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Who Will Be Chosen as the International Supreme Court Justices?

The United States of America is once again facing the selection of a U.S. Supreme Court Justice. This week, President Trump is interviewing candidates. The one he chooses will then go through
Senate confirmation hearings. Justices serve for life, and their role is to decide whether laws and practices are Constitutional, so the nine justices have enormous power.

People all over the world are watching to see how the U.S. legal system functions, and imagining what the One World government will be like, but this time period has been unusual that the Republicans control the White House, both Houses of Congress, and the Supreme Court. The truth is, there are many independents and non-voters, and they sway the elections. Many factors are involved.
The international government will function on a higher level than the U.S. government because it will be based on a wider perspective.

If the justices have so much power, who will be selected as the international Supreme Court justices?
Will their selection be based on power grabs? The first government proposal will address where true power comes from. Mankind will evolve out of war-based thinking and into peace-based thinking. Everything will come slowly and in perfect order. Change is not based on a time-schedule, but an event schedule.

During the Conference in Europe, the delegates who come to work on the international constitution will start the long process to write the Constitution. In "A Manual for the One World Government," by Seth through me, which will be published once the professional publishing team comes together, Seth explains in depth how to write a constitution, and what is important to include, including the Supreme Court. He says every person on the planet will be included in the discussions, and that it will not be signed into law until everyone agrees to the final draft.

Imagine several years from now when the first international Supreme Court justices are selected. Who will be chosen? 

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Solving the Ocean's Problems

The oceans are vast, but they are in crisis. Every day we see reports of small events that show us glimpses of larger crises, such as a whale that washes up onto a shore some where in the world, and the cause of its death is from ingesting pounds of plastic. Or large events, such as the death of the reefs.

We look out into the ocean, and it seems so vast, and how can any one individual, or corporation, or organization, or nation, solve the problems?  And what is worse, what happens when people stand in protest, but corporate interests and politics get in the way so that court decisions benefit the few over the whole?

While it may seem to be in the best interests of the few to win that court case, games of one-upmanship go against Universal Law, and there is always a backlash to the games. The power game of Greed, for example, may seem to work, but the ultimate conclusion of the game is that you lose everything. The principles of the cooperation of nature create a sense of abundance. Mankind has much to learn from our Earth Mother.

The Earth is a closed ecosystem, and what occurs in one location affects the entire planet. The environment must  under the auspices of an international body with the power to solve the problems, and functions based on the principles of the cooperation of nature. If no one is left out of the plan, with shared research, the solutions will be found.

We are starting work on the first steps for the creation of the International Department of the Oceans.

Each of the eleven departments of the One World government will be made up of experts in their fields from every nation, and they will be autonomous. They will work as advisers to the branches. They will have the power to solve the problems we are facing.

If you are interested in the Oceans, please be sure to visit our new blog--Sovereign Oceans. 

Saturday, June 23, 2018

How Does the Plan for World Peace Solve the Refugee Crisis?

Whenever there is conflict and oppression in the world, there are people who leave to find a place that offers greater liberties and freedoms. People, generally speaking, prefer to live among a similar culture and religion, and refugees would prefer to be able to return to their homes, so the solution to the refugee crisis is to give incentives for the governments of the world to let go of their power games that are so oppressive to the people.

The legislative branch of the proposed international government will have two Houses. The House of Representatives will address legislation that is based on the Will of the People, and the Senate will address legislation based on the Rights of the People. Our Founding Fathers understood they had to find a balance between states that are large and small and densely populated and sparsely populated, and so they chose a bicameral government based on rights and will of the people. States with greater population have more say in the House of Representatives and smaller states have more say in the Senate.

One right citizens of the international government will have is to be able to leave their nation if they believe they are being oppressed. If a government is oppressive to the people, their people will leave and that nation will lose power on the international level.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Open letter to Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan

Mr. Speaker:

Russian interference in our elections has backed the United States into the corner. We cannot continue to be squeezed nor can we fight Russia. Our government doesn't have a solution to this crisis. Other nations are also facing Russian interference, such as Ukraine, and their sovereignty is being undermined.  Both options are existential threats for our country.

When you are backed into the corner, there is always only one solution to get out of the crisis, and that is to do what is in everyone's best interest. What does that entail?

It is not up to our government to solve this problem. The power any nation is derived from the people, and the people must assume responsibility for the solution, but not by resistance. No one wants a civil war.

Our organization is working to establish an international government based on the US Constitution and the economic foundation is the cooperation of nature--two proven concepts. It allows everyone to function on a higher level.  As of today, people in 85 nations support the plan for the international government.

Congress can open debate on the plan and support the idea by agreeing to hold an Article V amendment convention once the required number of state legislatures petition the US Congress.

Putin was recently re-elected, but without opposition, and so we open debate on the highest form of elections possible, where anyone can run for president so long as they can solve the problems, no money, no contributions. Imagine our founding fathers in a convention deciding what our nation can become, and building on each other's efforts to achieve the highest possible end result.

If Congress cannot do that, then what are they willing to do?

Thursday, May 24, 2018

It's Over. It is Starting.

This afternoon, President Trump announced he is canceling the June summit in Singapore with Kim Jong Un, and that he and the US military stands ready should North Korea initiate hostilities. The reunification of North and South Korea is over. Trump de-certified the JCPOA agreement with Iran, and the United States is closer to war than ever before, and this time it is us against the World.

Now that Donald Trump has demonstrated the failure his maximum pressure policy to bring peace, it is time to open debate on a plan that can bring peace.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The End Times

The battles of Armageddon are raging across the planet, and in just a few generations, they could bring mankind to its end. There is a simple solution that can elevate the entire planet out of the abyss.

Armageddon is known as the end times, the complete destruction of the planet, but the end times are occurring all the time on a smaller basis, such as in marriages and between siblings. The end times on any level start when one person stands on the principles and makes a choice, and that choice affects the security and support of another individual. It isn't necessarily the end of the marriage or the family, it is the end of the cycle, and it is possible to transition to a higher form of relationship.

The schism that started the global battles of Armageddon began with the preemptive strike on Iraq. Saddam Hussein stood on the principles that he was the leader of Iraq, and that the sanctions had killed 500,000 Iraqi children, and when he did so, it threatened the security and support of George W. Bush, who went down into the power games. When George W. Bush invaded Iraq, and there were no WMD found, it collapsed the US power base, and it created a schism between those who realized that the United States has lost our power base by invading Iraq and those who still believe the policy of preemption works. Those who believe in the policy and see the loss of US power, blame President Obama for the loss of power, and support the policy of regime change.

If US foreign policy is failed policy, what will work? The United States has three options: stand on the principles and function on a higher level, ignore the crisis and pass it on to future generations, and it will take seven generations to undo the damage, or go down into the power games, such as war.

This is how movements start, when someone introduces a plan that benefits everyone, and is the solution to the dilemma, but there is always resistance to the change. This same process is occurring in every nation. The World Peace Movement has started. The plan for the international government has been introduced and has the capacity to solve the crisis, but until it has been created, there will be resistance from those who are grabbing for money and power. The resistance will end when they see how the plan can benefit them financially.

And, until the planning for the creation of the international government has started, agreements based on the creation of the plan are not permanent or sufficient because those who are grabbing for power are controlling the agreements. An example of this is the agreement that opened the door between the United States and Cuba. Fidel Castro stood up and declared his support for the plan for the international government. His definition of the word "good" was based on principles, but it was Raul Castro who made the agreement, and his definition of "good" is wealthy.

The power games go against Universal Law, and so there is always a backlash to the games. If you grab for power, you will eventually lose power. Those who rely on the games will face the backlashes from the games, just as George W. Bush did, and those who stand on the principles, and assume responsibility will rise in power, and when they meet in the midpoint, that is when that nation will be open to joining the proposed international government. That is when the people will be willing to invite their government to join the debate.

Let's focus now on the battles that are raging within the United States. Donald Trump was elected in 2016 by his supporters because they see him as a man who can make America prosperous again. His supporters equate money and power, which are two things that cannot be equated because if you lose your money, you lose your power. Equated ideas get people into trouble, and today, I would like to explain how that trouble comes about.

Trump and his supporters are not necessarily the majority of the American people. It is hard to say how many people actually support Donald Trump. Many people don't vote. The majority of the American people understand that they are responsible for their own financial support, and that small businesses are the backbone of any economy. These people don't need Trump to make them prosperous, but, Trump has gone down into the power games, and is dragging many people toward the edge of the abyss, whether by his policy of maximum pressure on North Korea, which nearly triggered a nuclear war, or his economic policies that benefit the top 1% and will place a burden on the lowest economic levels, or his plan to dismantle the EPA, and many other social programs, including immigration and the travel ban.

There will now be generations of people who are dragged off course by the battles that are raging within the United States. The first generation is in it for the money, and are playing power games, like Donald Trump and his cabinet. The next generation will be further off course, and their focus will be on the finding the support they need. These people admire Trump, but when you put someone on a pedestal, you deny your own capacity. Trump surrounds himself with people who rely on him for their support but they function outside of their capacity. This generation  will not function on a very high level, and there will be much frustration and blame. The next generation will have an even more difficult time, with sociological problems that tear apart the communities, such as gang violence. The next generation will have no security, and this generation will be the last generation unless they can overcome this crisis.

This progression of crisis follows the stages of the planning process. You can overcome the crisis by creating a plan that benefits everyone.

The solution is that everyone must function from his or her own capacity. This is the first principle of a global renaissance. It  brings everyone to the same level. The focus must be  on sharing talents and gifts, which are easy to share and even benefits you to share. Everyone on the planet is born with talents and gifts, and that fact allows every person on the planet to be able to make win-win agreements, which builds trust and sets the stage for future agreements.

On the international level, rather than waging war to get control of another nation's natural resources, or making unfair trade agreements so that a nation's natural resources become a curse to them rather than a blessing, the international government will take disputes off the battlefield, and will make win-win agreement trade agreements between nations, and even help nations discover what natural resources it has. The Middle East, for example, relies on oil resources, but ignores other potential resources.

Our organization has a program, called "Multiply Your Resources," which enables everyone involved to discover what resources they actually have. The principle that is lacking for people in poverty is abundance, and this program will reinstate that principle into their lives. In the future, our advisers will travel to various nations and assist the governments and the people to understand what they have, in terms of nature resources, and this is one benefit of being a member of the proposed international government.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Don't Expect Iran, Cuba and North and South Korea to be at Peace Yet

May 12th is the deadline for the JCPOA agreement to be re-certified, and Donald Trump has everyone wondering which way he will go. Will he tear apart the agreement, and stop the underlying plan, which is the plan for the international government, from coming about?

The letter from Mahmoud Amadinejad to Barack Obama opened the door between the United States and Iran, but the JCPOA is not the final agreement. The plan for the international government has gone too far to be stopped, and that was so long before Donald Trump knew the plan existed. Cuba and the United States have re-opened diplomatic ties, and North and South Korea have marched together in the Olympics, but none of the nations that have received proposals based on the plan are considered members of the proposed international government.

The power games have reached the point where mankind has been dragged to the edge of the abyss of nuclear war. Kim Jong Un was backed into the corner, and he saw only two untenable options--both existential threats. He could continue to starve or come out and fight a stronger force. Instead, he took the proposal and turned around, and chose to reunify with South Korea. But, there is a major factor that has been ignored. The World Peace Movement has started.

A schism has occurred in every nation as the result of the preemptive strike on Iraq, and everyone on the planet is being sorted into one of four groups--those who stand on the principles, those who have gone down into the power games because their security and support has been threatened, those whose lives have been affected, and those who function for their own interests. Before nations will be at peace based on the plan for the international government, the schism must reach its ultimate conclusion. The "Battles of Armageddon" must play their way to their end. The World Peace Movement has started, and the people of every nation are separating into four segments, and the segments are separating, again and again, down to the individual level, and that is when each of us on the planet must choose whether to be part of the plan for world peace.

Like what occurred between Donald Trump and Kim Jomg Un, backing another person in the corner doesn't mean you will win. That person now has three options, not two untenable options. The power games no longer work.

The 200 potential independent members of the organization are parallel to the 200 nations. When the plan was first introduced in 1999, only 7 or 8 people knew about the idea, and then the idea started to spread. People who believed they had greater capacity attempted to steal the plan, but a plan based on everyone sharing their talents and gifts is impossible to steal. The conflict devolved as a character defamation campaign, and some people went down into the power games of revenge.

If you look at my planning for the creation of the international government, you will see that the very first step is to bring together the professional publishing team to publish the books, but the books are channeled messages from the spiritual hierarchy. These are very unique books. For a channel, channeling God, writing a best selling book each month for eight months on subjects you know nothing about is not hard to do. For anyone else, it is impossible.  How can someone find information that even the world's leading experts don't know about?  We are taking the information from the spiritual hierarchy and teaching the world's leading experts, and they will teach the rest of the world. How can only who knows nothing about a subject fool the world's leading experts that they know more about the subject than they do?

While the power games have raged on, those who seemed to have the power demonstrated their intent and their lack of capacity to do another's project, and those who seemed to have no power, started to rise in power as each of us assumed responsibility for our projects.

The same conflict is devolving on the international level. Character defamation is an individual form of genocide. The preemptive strike on Iraq devolved as a genocide, and because it was between two world leaders, it is devolving as a global genocide, the worst case scenario for the planet.

Mankind is learning the lesson of where true power comes from. The protocol for ending a genocide must be addressed. The first requirement for conflict resolution is that both sides must be considered equal.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Does Donald Trump Deserve the Nobel Peace Prize?

Donald Trump is taking credit for the historic handshake between Kim Jong Un and Moon Jae In, and happy to hear several members of the media question whether this will lead to a Nobel Peace Prize. He is now even more firmly under the illusion that his maximum pressure tactics succeed, and now Secretary of State Pompeo is in Saudi Arabia encouraging the Saudis to join them in putting pressure on Iran.

Can his maximum pressure policy lead to peace? 

People who have been dragged into a war lack the principle of equality. The first requirement for conflict resolution is that both sides must be considered equal. If you consider a court case to be like a mini- war, for a fair trial, both sides must be equal under the law. 

Trump's policy of maximum pressure is based on the premise that he is more important than others, including Kim Jong Un and North Korea, and Bashar Al Assad and Syria, and Iran, and therefore, he believes he has the right to put them down. This doesn't lead to peace. It leads to perpetual wars. 

An example of that is Iraq. It can be considered an example of maximum pressure.

George HW Bush waged war on Saddam Hussein, and that set the stage for George W. Bush to judge Saddam Hussein to be Axis of Evil. The conflict devolved not as a war, but as a genocide, and it is still going on today. People who have been dragged into a genocide lack their unalienable rights. 

Before the US Constitution can be used as the basis for the international legal system, laws and practices that cause chaos in our legal system must be purified to prevent the chaos from spreading onto the international level. Our first step is to address a misunderstanding. Many people see two levels to our legal system--constitutional law and federal laws--and omit Universal Law. There are always three levels in the Universe--the principles, the power and the project. When you leave out Universal Law, you leave out the seven principles of equality, liberty, freedom, compassion, abundance, capacity and tolerance. Governments can justify laws and practices that are based on power games that are oppressive to the people. 

The Iraq War was considered constitutional, but it went against Universal Law. It was an unlawful war, and because it was based on a sense of judgment, it devolved as a genocide. It deprived the Iraqi people their unalienable rights, and because the US government did that, now we are losing our rights. To get them back again, we must now stop playing the power games and guarantee our unalienable rights granted to us by our Creator to everyone person on the planet.

The policy of preemption goes against the premise that someone is presumed innocent until proven guilty. It is failed policy. The policy of maximum pressure doesn't treat both sides fairly and equally, and it is also failed policy. 

Monday, April 2, 2018

World Peace is Not What You Expect

People all over the world are aware of the plan for world peace, and it was opened to debate, but how to bring it about is not what anyone expects. Our World Peace Marketing Strategy says that people must be squeezed to come in. Why? Why not just have all the world leaders get together and do it?

Because, it wouldn't work. It wouldn't address the root cause of the problems, and they are the power games that governments--and people--play.

World peace requires a paradigm shift, and that won't occur on the individual level unless the existing paradigm is proven not to work. Mankind must let go of the seven power games known as the Seven Deadly Sins.

Mankind lives on the third dimension, which is known as the Illusion. We all go along thinking the power games will help us get the life we want. Each of us is born with a blueprint in our heart for our ideal life, and every choice we make is supposed to help us reach our goal, but misunderstandings kick us a few degrees off course. We keep believing we are headed toward our goal. Eventually, we are so far off course that we are 180 degrees from where we think we are. We see ahead of us our dream life, and it is like walking toward a door, and all we have to do is to open the door, and we are there. Instead, we open the door and we find a brick wall. We are 180 degrees from where we think we are.

At this point in time, several world leaders have been jockeying for power to see who will be the next superpower. Donald Trump, for example, reached the door and opened it, and he became president of the United States, but he is also facing investigations. He keeps thinking he is the most powerful man on the planet, but he isn't. What Trump wants is cannot be found in the White House.

The truth is, the power any government has is derived from its people. There is a misunderstanding about where true power comes from, and this is the lesson mankind is working through as the result of the Iraq War.

The Bible talk about the Banquet Table, and compares the third dimension to be like the dogs under the table, fighting for the crumbs that fall from it. Which dog will get the crumb? The dogs believe they are getting their life, but it is all an illusion.

In the parable, the fourth dimension can be considered the leg of the table, and that is the understanding that you can get your life, but it is not based on fighting for crumbs. There is still blame, and you still have not achieved your life.

The top of the table is the fifth dimension, and that is when you are actively working to create the life you want. It is not based on illusion, but on the planning process.

World peace requires a paradigm shift from believing you are getting your life to actually being the person you were born to be.

People must be squeezed to let go of the power games. When people believe they can't get the life they want, that is when they die, so for most people, it is their end of life crisis.

To go back to Donald Trump--from the perspective of an archetype--how easy would it be for him to let go of his power games? Who can convince him not to use maximum pressure against North Korea?

There are five power games that governments play, and they are all associated with revenge. Five people or groups of people come together to get revenge on one individual, such as Saddam Hussein. One group believes they have the right to put him down. That draws in those who believe they can judge him to be evil. The next group believe they can take what is rightfully his. That brings in those who believe they can own him, and that brings in those who believe they can deny him a voice.

Revenge goes against Universal law. There is always a backlash to the games, and so if you believe you are more important than him, and therefore you have the right to put him down, under Universal Law, he will go up while you go down. When the power games backlash on you, that is when you reach the point of the Brick Wall, and you, too, are being squeezed to let go of the games.

While the world leaders jockey for power to see who will be the next superpower, don't expect them to be able to create the international government. They must be invited in by their people, and the people must choose when that nation is ready to participate in the plan for the international government.


Friday, March 16, 2018

Famine in Yemen

Yemen is facing a famine, and over 80% of its population is malnourished. Our Light Source Invention demonstrates that Yemen is one step away from becoming a failed state, but it also demonstrates the principle that can bring their stagnant economy back from the brink--capacity. The first principle of a global renaissance is that everyone must function from his or her own capacity.

The United States has been supplying arms to the Saudis, who have been fighting in Yemen, as have the Iranians. These unending conflicts, such as in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and Yemen, do not start overnight. As the Light Source Invention demonstrates, they are the result of three cycles of power games, which start and end with intolerance, or refusal to work together to do what is in everyone's best interest, and the conflicts are perpetuated by interfering governments. Oftentimes conflicts would end much sooner if the nations are left alone to handle their own disputes. In the era of the international government, nations will function on a continental level, and no nation will have the right to go into another country to dictate terms, or to interfere in any way.

Yemen is not alone in its crisis. The United States has entered into the third cycle of the Light Source Invention. Over the next several years, America will face these same waves of crises, but most other nations will be doing so also, unless our nation chooses to stand on the seven principles that bring the swinging pendulum back to the straight and narrow. The Gulf War of the early 1990s was an act of revenge against Saddam Hussein, setting the stage for the Iraq War, which devolved as a genocide, not a war. At the end of George W. Bush's second term, the United States faced a major economic crisis, and threats from terrorism. The Obama administration supplied arms to the Saudis to fight in Yemen, and now Donald Trump is also perpetuating the conflict, but without a clear understanding of the conflict.

The schism that was established on every level, such as between the Democrats and the Republicans within the United States, is collapsing the old paradigm based on power games, and eventually, it will reach the individual level. It all will come down to the point where each of us will have to start to function based on our talents and gifts, from our own capacity.

Our organization has several tools that enable us to trigger the global renaissance. For example, we have a tour planned, called the Global Renaissance Tour, that will visit the major cities of the southern half of the United States, and focus mainly on the Latinos, who are more likely to apply the principles of this new economic paradigm. They will demonstrate to the rest of us how to function on a higher level. 

In Yemen, the needs are immediate, but long term requirements involve first letting go of the conflict and the power games. Humanitarian efforts fail with bridges on supply routes and hospitals are bombed. In the era of the international government, the power a nation has will be based on its population, and it will benefit a government to take care of its people. An oppressive government will lose power on the international level, and, as the Light Source Invention demonstrates, oppression leads to wars, and eventually to poverty, and then  a failed state.

Friday, March 9, 2018

The End of Nuclear Power

Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump have agreed to meet to discuss denuclearization, and Donald Trump will most likely assume his "maximum pressure" tactics have worked and so he will demand a unilateral act from North Korea. What Donald Trump doesn't understand at this point is that backing anyone in the corner will no longer work.

When you are backed into the corner, you see only two options and neither is tenable. Both are existential threats. The sanctions have led to mass starvation in North Korea and Kim Jong Un  couldn't ignore the crisis. He could develop his nuclear missiles to deter an attack from the United States, but to unleash a nuclear war is also not an option. He couldn't fight a stronger force. Mankind always has three choices, and what Kim Jong Un couldn't see was the choice to go up. The opportunity to go up came as the plan for the international government, but because it has taken so long for it to come about, the Olympics offered North Korea the temporary opportunity to turn around and to walk away from the conflict. It is as if a little door appeared where no one expected it to be, in the back of the corner.

The Olympics is not the place to discuss putting multilateral pressure on another nation. The world watched athletes from North Korea and the United States compete as equals, and the first requirement for conflict resolution is that both sides must be considered equal. The Olympics builds respect between nations because the athletes understand how difficult it is to reach that level of competition.

The world will probably not hear the full story of what occurs when Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump meet. To go through the little door in the corner--to rise out of a dilemma--you must do what is in everyone's best interest, so the question is whether Kim Jong Un will find a middle point by standing on the principles that North Korea is a sovereign nation equal to the United States, and tell Donald Trump he is open to joining talks about the plan for the international government. He must be careful not to try to have more power than Donald Trump. They can take their dispute to court once the international government is  established, and the peace will be permanent.

The power games that put the entire planet on the edge of the abyss of a nuclear war must end. To encourage a global ban on nuclear weapons and also on nuclear power involves a scientific approach concerning the structure of atoms.

Scientific research has reached the point where the smallest subatomic particles are being discovered, but what has not yet been discovered is that they are not fixed in reality. They move. They move as a result of what people believe. This is something we were told at our prayer circle. Foucault's Dilemma explains that the observer affects the outcome of the experiment, basically, and it is because reality shifts as the result of what you believe. This can be observed, for example, in spontaneous healings or remissions in cancer. It is more than that. Atoms are actually Universes, and there are Universes within Universes within Universes--and all are subject to Universal Law.

Just because we can do something doesn't mean we should do something. We may be scientifically able to split atoms to release the energy that is stored within, but if we destroy another Universe, we go against Universal Law, and while our Creator doesn't judge us, we will set into place the circumstances that our own Universe will be destroyed.

If all the nuclear power plants are dismantled, where will we get another source of energy that can take is place? Our organization has three inventions that will offer free energy and they will not harm the environment in any way. Our technology team has assume responsibility for the projects, but only enough information on any project has been introduced to open it to debate. To demonstrate that our organization will not keep this new technology to ourselves, I have already been working to introduce the Light Source Invention. Already the Light Source Invention has proven to be a major benefit to mankind. All of our projects will be included in a catalog of projects that will be offered to the nations that contract with us as part of our advisory segment.

Our projects must stand on the same principles. They must stand on the principles of Universal Law and leave no one out of their benefits.

Our first focus has been on introducing the concept of the three levels of the Universe within the U.S. legal system. Certain laws and practices that create chaos in our legal system must be purified to prevent the chaos from spreading onto the international level. The Three Levels of the Universe has gone to the U.S. Supreme Court to purify the misunderstanding about abuse of power, and the Light Source Invention is being used to stop conflicts and crises, such as school shootings.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Letter to the Iraqi Ambassador to the UN's fundraising efforts to rebuild Iraq

Your Excellency:

Our organization is working to introduce a plan for an international government, and each year we are introducing a government proposal for Iraq.
One proposal ends the conflict in Iraq, and the other helps to rebuild Iraq.

At this point in time, we recommend that your government seriously consider our plan because it allows Iraq to be equal to all the other nations, and it solves your problems. Before you make any decision, I would like to warn you about reliance on the United Nations for securing loans from other nations to rebuild Iraq.

May I give you an old example of why we are making this  recommendation, and then allow you to apply the information to more recent circumstances?

Many people have considered Saddam Hussein to be oppressive to the people of Iraq, and he was, but in many ways he defended Iraq. Prior to the Gulf War, he discovered that Kuwait was slant drilling into Iraq's oil fields. (This information can be found on the Wikipedia website.) Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait to stop them from taking Iraq's oil reserves. He was backed into the proverbial corner, because he could not allow the theft to continue, nor fight a stronger and more unified force. After the war, Iraq had to pay for the damages that were caused, but because the oil industry and infrastructure was destroyed, Iraq was offered loans.

This was not fair. Why should you pay for another nation taking your oil?

Then there were the sanctions that killed 500,000 Iraqi children, and Saddam Hussein protested. There was the preemptive strike on Iraq, and the Iraq War, and Saddam Hussein protested but was assassinated, and then ISIS, and now you are being offered loans to rebuild.

How is Iraq responsible for the damages that have been done?

Our organization is working to create the international government, and we have stated that we will help to rebuild Iraq and it won't leave you poorer in the process. The proceeds from one of our books can go to rebuild Iraq. Our contracts cost only $2.5 million, and we help set up programs that make it possible even for the poorest nations to be able to afford to hire us. We function only as advisers to governments. We don't contract to do any work. Our goal is to enable every nation to be able to function as equal to all other nations in the international government. Step by step, we are working to overcome the problems mankind is facing.

Letter to Senator Wyden: Protecting the US Election Process from Russian Interference

Senator Wyden:

Our organization is working to create an international government, and one issue that we must address is fair elections. Interference by Russians will continue on for the foreseeable future, and something must be done to protect our election process.

David Brooks wrote in his column this week that he believes we have come to the end of the two-party system. This may be the perfect time to address changes in our election process, including changes that allow anyone to run for president of the United States so long as they can offer plans that can solve the problems we are facing as a nation.

If anyone can run for president, candidates will start on the local level, then progress to state, regional and finally national levels. Instead of campaign financing by donations, the solution is for organizations to sponsor debates and the media to offer space for the candidates to offer their platforms. It would be impossible for Russians to interfere in these elections, and it would motivate them to faces changes in their own election process.

The plan for the international government requires an Article V amendment convention, and this is one topic we must address as we gather signatures on petitions to state the  legislatures.

Is this idea of running for president without party support "constitutional"? What would our founding fathers say about his idea? 

Information from Wikipedia about first US presidential elections, candidates and their parties:

YearWinning Candidate (party)Vice President (party)Losing Candidate(s) (party)
1789George Washington (no party)John Adams (no party)John RutledgeJohn HancockSamuel HuntingtonBenjamin LincolnJohn Jay (Federalist); George Clinton (no party)
1792George Washington (no party)John Adams (no party)George Clinton (no party), Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republican), Aaron Burr (Democratic-Republican)
1796John Adams (Federalist)Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republican)Federalists: Oliver EllsworthJohn JayJames IredellSamuel JohnstonCharles Cotesworth Pinckney; Democratic-Republicans: Aaron BurrThomas Pinckney
1800Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republican)Aaron Burr (Democratic-Republican)John Adams, Charles PinckneyJohn Jay

Friday, February 9, 2018

North Korea Sets the Stage for World Peace

After the plan for the international government was opened to debate, a period of conflict followed. Now North Korea has chosen to walk away from the conflict and to embrace peace. What motivated them to do so? Will coming together at the Olympics under a unified flag lead to a lasting peace on the Korean peninsula? 

North Korea has been backed into the proverbial corner by sanctions, and by six party talks that have led to joint military operations. 

When you are backed into the corner, you see only two options, and both are untenable. One is to continue to be squeezed and the other is to come out over the top of a larger and possibly force. Mankind always has three options, but when you are in a crisis, you see only these two. What is unseen is the choice to go up, and that is to do what is in everyone's best interest. Because you are 180 degrees from where you think you are, you turn around and go through what can be considered a little door in the corner. You let go of what is dragging you into the abyss, but that is not your children, your resources or anything that is rightfully yours. 

This is what North Korea appears to be doing. They are letting go of their nuclear weapons, turning around and joining the debate on the plan for the international government, which treats them as equals to all the other nations, which is what the Olympics also does. They are choosing to go up, and to do what is in everyone's best interest.  

Those who have relied on the existing structure for their life and livelihood have resisted the creation of the proposed international government, and as the plan has progressed, they have gone through what can be considered their end of life crisis. The plan has gone through the planning stages on the mental level, and the resistance to the plan pushed mankind to the brink of nuclear war. The existing structure, based on power games, has proved it cannot end or prevent wars. Can they offer a better plan? Can they offer a plan that benefits everyone? 

Mankind now has three options. We can ignore the crises and pass them on to future generations, and it will take seven generations--based on the planning process--to undo the damage that has been done. We can allow those who rely on the existing structure to start a nuclear war. We can all let go of the old structure based on power grabs and come into the new, and work together to create the international government, which will treat everyone fairly and equally.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Economic Foundation for the International Government

Image result for fibonacci
The international government will be based on two proven concepts--the U.S. Constitution and the cooperation of nature. The United States is a land of diverse cultures and religions, and our Constitution has kept us in a state of peace for over 200 years, except for the Civil War of the 1860s. The principles of the cooperation of nature have enabled a sense of abundance for every part for billions of years.

Basing a global economy on the principles of the cooperation of nature makes sense, but more to farmers, who see a sense of abundance in nature when one seed can become a billion seeds in just a few generations, than to the global industrialists and politicians, who are used to power games of one-upmanship, and may see nature as being the survival of the fittest. How do you explain to someone who is climbing the ladder of success that a flat hierarchy achieves greater results?

Nature functions based on Universal Law. An Italian mathematician, Fibonacci, discovered the principles of the cooperation of nature. He was considered to be "the most talented Western mathematician of the Middle Ages," but, as I said, farmers and hunters and gatherers were living their lives based on these principles since the dawn of civilization. They knew that if you killed all the game animals, the next year, they would starve. There is Cause and there is Effect. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, according to Sir Isaac Newton.   

Coming from a sense of lack leads to a sense of loss. Grabbing for power with games of one-upmanship leads to a loss of power. If you are a farmer, and you weren't able to grow enough to feed your family, you might be tempted to eat all your grain, but where would you find the seeds for the next year's crops? This sense of lack led to ways to save for the future because the sense of abundance leads to abundance. It also led to power games of one-upmanship.

At one of our first prayer circles, Archangel Michael told us that God, the Creator of us all, offers us the 100% of everything we need on a Silver Platter, and how much we take is up to us. Of course, we all thought it would be silly not to accept the full 100%, but then we had to learn how to accept it. He said the first step is to look around and see what we already have in abundance in our life. In our hearts, we have a blueprint for our ideal life, and we are unconsciously drawing toward us what we need, including experiences and relationships.

Nations will find a niche based on natural resources, and for the United States, what sets us apart from other nations is our Constitution. It guarantees to every American our unalienable rights, and that drew people who were looking for greater opportunity from all over the world.

Military might doesn't bring a sense of abundance. Traumatic events create rifts in the region, and within people. Rifts are tears in the energy fabric of the planet, and whatever energy you pour into the region, or the person, until the rift is healed, all efforts will be lost. Rifts last long after the original event that caused the rift has been forgotten.

Our first proposal is our Exit Strategy for Iraq. It plugs the drain on the US economy. We are healing the rift that was formed as the result of the preemptive strike on Iraq.

Healing the effects of the wars and genocides is our first step in building a global economy that leads to a global renaissance. When people have been torn apart by conflicts, they don't see any sense of abundance. When third world nations have vast amounts of resources, they become banks for the industrialized nations, and the resources become a curse to the people. The people throw them away, which leads to covert and overt actions that take away the freedoms of the people. But, there is always a backlash to the games. What you do to others will be done to you. This is not a punishment, but the logical conclusions of coming from a sense of lack.

To create a sense of abundance, you must allow everyone to have a sense of abundance. You don't create a vertical hierarchy and place yourself at the top. You create a flat hierarchy and allow everyone to prosper, and if it is based on one's talents and gifts, you leave no one out of the framework based on the principles of the cooperation of nature, and you work with nature rather than to fight it. The first principle of the global renaissance is that everyone must function from within his or her capacity. We rely on our talents and gifts given to us by the Creator of us all, which we have in abundance. Our talents and gifts are easy to share, and in fact, it benefits us to share them. We can get back 10 times.... 100 times.... 1000 times what we give. This is what Fibonacci discovered about nature--but what the farmers knew all along.