Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ending the Deadlock in Congress

The failure of the Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction (Supercommittee) to agree to a plan to cut the deficit demonstrates just how entrenched both parties are in furthering their agenda. Blaming the other side for refusing to "listen to reason" reinforces the futility of their coming up with a plan both sides will agree to, and therefore breaking the deadlock.

Our Founding Fathers included in the Constitution a tool to wield for just such a contingency--an Article V constitutional amendment convention. Many law professors and constitutional scholars agree that now is the time to drag the Article V convention out of the "toolbox."

Basically, Congress is no longer able to function and is losing power. Their approval rating hovers around 10%, depending on the poll. That figure is significant because with any movement, the first 25% to protest are standing on the principles. The second do so because it affects them financially. The third group protests because their lives are affected, and the final 25% who stand in protest are totally uninvolved.

At a 10% approval rating, you are bringing misery down upon those who tip elections. This is also the point where a flashpoint can trigger a revolution.

The Article V convention turns the power back to the States, and ultimately, the people. Thirty four States must apply to Congress to hold the convention, where the amendment is drafted, and then thirty eight States must ratify it before it becomes law. The president has an equal vote to every other American. It is not his or her plan. It comes from the people.

Many proposals have gathered sufficient support from the state legislatures to make it to Congress, but until this time, Congress has not been willing to turn over its power, citing the possibility of opening a Pandora's Box of frivolous issues or issues that are too volatile to address. This is also a Game Congress plays.

Politics has become Gamesmanship to gain power and prestige, but the Games have evolved, and they are now reaching their ultimate conclusion, which is the complete opposite result--a loss of power and prestige. At this point, if the player isn't willing to let go of the games, he loses all.

This is Christmas time, and various versions of "A Christmas Carol" are running on television. What did it take Scrooge to get go of the Game of Greed?

What will the bickering members of Congress consider enough incentive to let go of their power to the States? To address the long list of existing amendments, some that have sat gathering dust for almost 100 years?

No. The only one that will encourage Congress to let go of their power is one that benefits everyone, and solves all the problems at once. An overview plan that benefits everyone on the planet. A simple and logical plan that benefit everyone.

Time for world peace. Time for, not a revolution, but a grassroots movement that brings in all the people on the planet to stand in protest against the oppressive Games of War, Genocide, Massacres, Human Rights Violations and Terrorism. The Games are oppressive to the people.

Congress will not listen unless the people can produce a plan that benefits everyone.

Whose plan will it be?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering September 11, 2001 by ending terrorism

Today marks the 10th anniversary of what could be considered to be the largest terrorist attack in the history of the planet. The events of September 11, 2001 triggered a series of reactions and repercussions, and the ripples continue to expand out, drawing in more and more people. As this is being written, there is heightened security around the United States because of a threat to retaliate for the death of Osama bin Laden.

The real question becomes, how do you end terrorism?

For any plan to be successful, it must address the root cause of the crisis. President Bush declared that terrorism comes because "there are good people and bad people, and the bad people want to hurt the good people." Who has the right to judge who is good or bad? From one perspective, a man may be a terrorist, and from the other, he is a patriot.

The root cause of terrorism is that "people on the bottom have no voice, and must raise their voice to be heard, oftentimes to the point of violence."

There are three criteria for world peace:

1. Every person on the planet must be able to create his or her life without interference.

2. Every person on the planet must be treated fairly and equally.

3. Every person on the planet must have a voice in his or her government.

Under the World Peace Plan, these inalienable rights from the Creator of us all are guaranteed.

Our series of proposals carry the idea forward step by step, proving the capacity of The World Peace Plan to resolve the crises we are facing as a planet, including terrorism. The first step is an exit strategy for Iraq. Its precursor involves conflict resolution.

Be sure to Track Our Progress on our webpage.

Help for the Super Committee on Deficit Reduction

In a movement, the first people to come in are those who stand on the principles. They rise up in protest when they see oppression. The second group are those who are financially affected. Then comes the people whose lives are affected, and as the Super Committee in Washington, DC starts to cut the social programs, many people will fit into the third group, and they will join the protest.

The committee is getting down to work, paring the budget of any excess. Time is short. They are asking for help. Here it is.

Under the World Peace Plan...

There will be no more wars, and so there will be no need to maintain such a huge Department of Defense. We will segue from war-based thinking to competing economically. That won't be a problem because nations will be able to turn inside of themselves to enable their people to prosper. A nation that is oppressive to its people will continue to lose power in the international House of Representatives.

There is no need for foreign aid. Those nations who now receive US aid will segue out of dependence on the US, and assume responsibility for enabling their people to prosper. Oftentimes third world nations have huge reserves of natural resources. Let's let them benefit the people, shall we?

The private sector will assume responsibility for the cut social programs through our Lift the Public economic stimulus plan that allows any business to become partially tax exempt.

There you go. Global renaissance!

We have a series of proposals that carry the idea of the global renaissance forward, step by step.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Most Beloved "Evil" Dictators

Step by step, the World Peace Plan is being introduced. It must come slowly and in perfect order, when people are ready for it to come, but what can be done to expedite the process to prevent further hardship on the people? We are focusing on one nation at a time, but so many others are in crisis.

Consider the Arab Spring protests. As this is being written, President Saleh of Yemen has announced his agreement to elections, but his past offers to step down and to hold open elections have left Yemenis scoffing at the legitimacy of this offer, and continuing their protests. "Fool me once...."

The solution is for the leaders whose peoples are rising in protest to do what is in everyone's best interest, to let go of their position but to also announce their support for the proposed international government. If they do, maybe they will be invited by their people's to help in the creative process of the proposed international government, which will guarantee the rights of the people. Those gentlemen could become the most beloved people on the planet.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Grassroots Peace and Prosperity Movement

The first step in actually creating the World Peace Plan is that the United States must pass an amendment to our Constitution to add the layer of government. World peace must come from the people, when the people are ready, and so we are calling for an Article V constitutional amendment convention. Target date 11/11/11, a day symbolizing unity on every level.

The international government will function like a network of nations, and each will find its niche based on natural resources, and the One World Government will find markets and create fair trade agreements. Every nation will be able to procure that it needs.

The same thing applies on the individual level, but based on one's talents and gifts. Your niche is the life you would like to live.

Our grassroots peace and prosperity movement must spread, so we are offering U.S. Survival Cards. Find your niche, and market it with your family. First, open debate with family on whether you support The World Peace Plan, and combine your talents and gifts to spread the word. This builds trust. Then, market your idea with friends of the family. It will go family.... friends.... family.... friends, until everyone is able to create their niche, and a strong financial foundation.

With everyone working together, there is no need for poverty.

Purchase U.S. Survival cards at On The Rainbow Peace Store.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Making The World Peace Plan a Reality

Do you think world peace is possible? Most people, especially in these difficult times, would answer "no." That is why we have had to take the long way around to introduce the plan.

Most people think the United Nations is the solution, or leave it to the government to deal with. Or think world peace is not possible at all because of mankind's inherent inability to work together peacefully. People had to reach the understanding that the existing structure is not solving the problems, and then look for an alternative that functions on a higher level. Then whose plan would be accepted? The one that is already dealing with the crisis successfully.

For any plan to be successful, it must address the root cause of the problem. If it doesn't address the root cause of the problems, it makes the crisis worse.

The War on Terror, for example is not working because terrorism is not caused by "bad people wanting to hurt good people," to paraphrase George W. Bush, but because people "on the bottom have no voice in matters of grave concern, and must raise their voice to be heard, oftentimes to the point of violence."

Will the World Peace Plan be considered? Will it solve the problems we are facing as a nation, or make the problems worse?

Several years ago we put our webpage online, and asked for anyone who supported the plan to add their name to our affiliate membership list. As of this date, people from 53 nations have added their name to the list. We then introduced the proposals for specific nations to the ambassadors in Washington, DC through a series of newsletters. The support from the people of the nations leverages the plan amongst the ambassadors in Washington, DC. The idea then spread to the governments.

Now it is time to make the plan a reality. Month by month, we are introducing projects that enable the plan to come about. The proposals solve the problems the way the proposed international government will solve them.

The first proposal is actually one of our economic stimulus plans. The War in Iraq is a drain on the U.S. economy that must be plugged. We are calling for mediation between President Bush and one of Saddam Hussein's ranking lieutenants. The mediation can end the fighting, but not decide the case, and so it will lead to the creation of the local court system of the One World government.

Before the stakeholders will agree to the mediation, they must see how they can function on a higher level, and so we are introducing precursor plans, starting within our organization. The first is a teaching project that allows average people to learn how to create the life they want, and the other is to introduce conflict resolution instruction. More on those in later posts.

In May 2011, our organization started to address a concurrent proposal, a grassroots movement within the United States calling for an Article V constitutional amendment convention. This process can take some time to come about. Thirty four state legislatures must ask the U.S. Congress to hold the convention, and then thirty eight must ratify the amendment before it becomes law. The success of this aspect of the plan is dependent on people understanding that world peace is possible, overcoming the helplessness that so many people are feeling now about the future.

Then, we will address the Iraq proposal.