Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Transitioning to the proposed international government

April 18, 2014

Karen Holmes
The World Peace Organization for the One World Government
PO Box 4131
Brookings, OR 97415

To the diplomatic community in Washington, DC

Your Excellency:

Our organization is working to create a plan for an international government based on fair and equitable practices. As of today, people in 73 nations support the World Peace Plan. It is based on two proven concepts, the U.S. Constitution is the basis for the political foundation, and it has kept a land of diverse cultures and religions at peace for over 230 years. The economic basis is the cooperation of nature, based on the premise that it is possible to multiply your resources with a series of win-win agreements, and you are basically unlimited at to what you can create when you do what is in everyone’s best interest.

Today our premise we attack is that global crises are fought by games of one-upmanship rather than doing what is in everyone’s best interest. Backed into the corner by this form of governmental oppression, people come to understand they are at the mercy of foreign policy blunders by their government, and they stand in protest. This puts a sense of friction amongst all levels. A mirror image optical illusion is formed. Diplomats are part of the people, but also represent the government, and it forms a bridge effect. Once foreign policy reaches its ultimate conclusion, the people are stunned by the lack of understanding by their government that the dilemma even exists.

The premise that you can convince someone that what they are doing is illogical is becoming forefront understanding now, and the problem arises when you must make the other understand you reasoning. How that is done if by finding the individual who suits the win-win agreement, and with great reluctance, you find this individual and make the agreement. That is because every part of you is crying out that this alliance is wrong--totally wrong.

As an example, the United States has made alliances with its economic competitors. It seems the most logical solution. Compromise at the summits, and no one has the solution to the economic crisis.

The Star of David symbol is made up of two opposite concepts-triangles that are 180 degrees from each other. The symbol, when seen as a whole, demonstrates this concept that the solution to any crisis is at the opposite extreme. When brought together, squeezed together, there is a figure 8-type symbol, and all is part of the same progressive whole. The points then are the segments of the population that are more progressive or less progressive of mainstream society.

The last thing to address is who has what you need? Who is the unknown “dark-horse” partner that has the solution to your problem?

The think tanks have solutions, but their perspective has narrowed along with those in crisis.

If the United States requires vast amounts of oil, the solution is not to ally itself with competitors like China or Russia or the Asian nations of the Pacific Rim, but to ally itself with Iraq, and to make win-win agreements to enable both sides to progress. The focus now is on this relationship. What can come if the United States guarantees to Iraq their inalienable rights to live their life without interference, to be treated fairly and equally, and to have a voice in the international arena. All this can be done by supporting the plan for the proposed international government, and then turning inside itself to enable its people to live in peace and prosperity.
The next issue then is to rebuild Iraq, and our organization has promised the people of Iraq that we will make that possible through the introduction of a remarkable new book that draws together all the world’s major religions into one unified faith. More on that later.

Yours for peace,

Karen Holmes,

Copy: Senator RonWyden (D-Oregon), Congressman Peter DeFazio (D Oregon)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Your Excellency: The solution to ending conflicts in the world

April 14, 2014

To the ambassadors in Washington, DC

Your Excellency:

Our organization is working to create an international government based on the U.S. Constitution and the cooperation of nature. As of today, people in 73 nations support the World Peace Plan.

When the plan for the international government was first introduced, it created a Moment of Choice, and separated those who stand on the principles from those who rely on power games. It threatened their security and support, and announced that change was inevitable. The power grab ensued, and drew in those who took advantage of the conflict.

There is no conflict in the world. It exists in the minds of those who fear loss of security or support.

The solution is to enable every person on the planet to benefit from re-forming the existing international structure along different parameters, one that guarantees to everyone the opportunity, and equality and the capacity to create their ideal life.

Imagine that if a major crisis occurs, what the outcome would be if every world leader insisted on his or her plan to be the only one acceptable. The highest good for all would be majority rule, and everyone is considered equal.

Now, imagine that a committee of world leaders address the issue and then take it to the “grand council” for approval, and everyone’s perspective is regarded as equal, and no one was left out of the debate.

I therefore recommend that to initiate the plan for the proposed international government, that all the diplomatic community begin to divide into continental committees to address issues within their own continents, and then to take the solution to the wider perspective for their input.

Yours for peace,

Karen Holmes

Copy: Senator Ron Wyden (Democrat from Oregon), Congressman Peter DeFazio (Democrat Oregon)

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Your Excellency: The World Peace Plan addresses Hostile Takeovers

Your Excellency,

In recent emails I opened to debate the initial issue that must be addressed in the creation of the proposed international government, and that is the crisis that led to the collapse of the old structure, and the need to find a new one. The World Peace Plan must overcome that crisis, which is the hostile takeover of Iraq. 

Please see the attached letter. 

Yours for peace,  

Karen Holmes,

(text of the letter)

To the diplomatic community in Washington, DC

Your Excellency,

It takes time to resolve the issues concerning a genocide, just as it takes time for the events to evolve. The first step in creating a genocide occurs long before the end. The crisis “came to its conclusion” when President Bush came together with Prime Minister Blair, and they joined to find a solution to their need for oil and equated it with their history with Saddam Hussein as an ally.Once that occurred, the solution to invade Iraq was a foregone conclusion.

Imagine that when Saddam Hussein stood in protest that the sanctions had killed 500,000 Iraqi children, their response was that they are good men. It was a sense of judgment, of “black andwhite,” and no gray areas. Once the judgment of creating a list of Axis of Evil dictators was made—it was an arbitrary line as to who was considered evil—what occurred then was to find a plan that enabled them to instate democracy, doing something good for the people of Iraq.

The whole crisis would have come into the light by looking at the rights people have. People have the right to live in peace, without interference. To choose their own leaders. To be part of the planet and to utilize its resources, equal to all others. When governments abrogate those rights, it is oppressive to the people, and this was the judgment against Saddam Hussein.

Genocides start with the simple act of intolerance, which leads to the loss of rights. People who are oppressed lack equality. People who are victimized in a genocide lack liberty to live their life without interference. The main problem with denying another their equality and liberty is that there is, under Universal Law, the backlash that you lose your own equality and liberty—your rights.

The future international court system will stand on the principles of the cooperation of nature,which expresses Universal Law, the rights granted to every person on the planet but abrogated to them by oppressive governments. It is time for the world leaders to address this issue, of whether hostile takeovers are worth the time and effort, whether on the giving end or the receiving. 

Yours for peace,Karen Holmes,

copy: Senator Ron Wyden (D. Oregon), Congressman Peter DeFazio (D. Oregon)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Your Excellency: Ending Genocides by Demonstration

Your Excellency,

Our organization is working to introduce a plan for an international government based on fair and equitable practices—on the U.S. Constitution and the cooperation of nature. Under the World Peace Plan, disputes between nations are settled in an international court system rather than the battlefield. As of today, people in 73 nations support the creation of the proposed international government, and so it has passed cultural review.

Our Track Our Progress section on our website offers step by step planning. Each of our proposals offers solutions to problems individual nations are facing.

We are attaching an open letter to the ambassadors in Washington, DC, and encouraging an open dialogue about the plan, amongst the diplomatic community and with the Whitehouse, State Department, and our representatives to Congress.

We will keep you informed about future events and proposals.

Yours for peace,

Karen Holmes,
The World Peace Organization for the One World Government

(text of letter)

October 11, 2013

Your Excellency:

Our organization is working to introduce a plan for an international government based on two proven concepts—the U.S. Constitution and the cooperation of nature. Under the World Peace Plan, disputes between nations are settled in a legitimate international court system rather than the battlefield. Our plan has the capacity to create a global renaissance. As of today, people in 72 nations support the creation of the international government.

For world peace to come there must be more than a plan. There must be a way to implement the plan on a global scale. How this is done is by demonstration, by first introducing the idea and then opening it to debate, then by demonstrating the concept on a smaller scale and offering others the opportunity to observe, and finally by turning responsibility over to those who have the credibility and power to take the idea globally and to make it an act of Law.

Our organization does not have the right to do more than to introduce the idea and to open it to debate, but because the same events occur on the individual level and within families, we can demonstrate the same principles to prove our ideas are valid. For example, we can have family mediation when there is conflict in the family, and apply the same principles nationally as if the nation was a family. Don’t worry that our attempt to bridge the levels will cause a hostile takeover of the planet, because the games played in families as they are breaking apart from conflict apply internationally, and a grab for power eventually leads to a loss of power. The same principles can be applied on every level.

Our first plan is to end disputes between families because this is what is occurring on every level. This is covered on the first page of our website, the offer to end disputes between nations by the creation of an international court system. To apply this, we are offering the idea first that by participation in the creation of the proposed international government, that no one will be left out of the benefits and everyone will be treated fairly and equally. The international government must be based on a flat hierarchy concept, or no one will choose to participate. No one will agree to one individual or one nation having supreme power. “Track Our Progress” online at

Yours for peace,

Karen Holmes,

Copy: U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D. Oregon), U.S. Representative Peter DeFazio (D. Oregon)

Your Excellency: A Protocol for Ending Genocides

Your Excellency:

The plan for the proposed international government has been opened to debate amongst the diplomatic community, and people all over the planet believe it is the solution to the crises facing mankind. The next question is how to make it a reality. We have the planning for the first year’s proposals online, and it offers the solutions to the crises eight nations are facing.

April 7th marks the 20th anniversary of the Rwanda Genocide, and even to this day the ripples continue to go out from that crisis. A protocol for ending a genocide must be established. We are starting first with the ripples that have come from Iraq, which also devolved as a genocide.

Please see the attached letter to the diplomatic community in Washington, DC.

Yours for peace,

Karen Holmes,

(text of letter)

March 27, 2014

To the diplomatic community in Washington, DC

Your Excellency:

Our organization is working to introduce a plan for an international government based on the U.S. Constitution and the cooperation of nature. As of today, people in 73 nations support the World Peace Plan.

Our first efforts are focused on ending the ripples of effects that have gone out from the crisis in Iraq. To
begin, we must find a balance point between two extremes. As the old structure is proving inadequate to
solve the crises, a new one must be rising to take its place. This has led to a power grab. Once the scramble started, a polarity formed that created two untenable forces. No one was willing to side with either. That left the door open to a third, even more untenable force, one that takes away the existing rights of individuals.

To end the conflict, it became apparent that having three untenable choices was unbearable. The unseen
choice to end the crisis is to do what is in everyone’s best interest, and that is to let go of the old structure
entirely, and to embrace a new one. The focus then was on which plan. Ours is standing the test due to the support amongst the peoples. Now we must prove the plan is viable, and able to solve the crises, the effects of the event that triggered the collapse.

Our focus is on ending the ripples, but first the root cause of the crisis must be seen and understood. The
root cause is a “bone of contention” because diplomatically it is not nice to point fingers. The solution to
that is to educate and to teach the principles, and let go of the need to condemn.

Over the next month, the world will focus on the 20th anniversary of the Rwanda Genocide, and this enables us to focus on the root cause of genocide. Ethnic cleansing is not sufficient because it does not address the cause, but the effect. It comes from a lack of capacity. It comes from a sense of judgment that another is evil. From the personal perspective, our actions are a culmination of the experiences in our life. No one has the right to call another evil. The root cause of a genocide is the power game of Envy, one of the seven power games that get mankind into crisis and each one leads to death.

To end the genocide that arose from the judgment against Saddam Hussein to justify the hostile takeover of Iraq, its oil reserves and strategic location, we are calling for a genocide watch. Our plan enables future
disputes between nations to be handled in a legitimate international court system, and the monies now wasted on war and national defense will to go to support the peoples of their respective nations.

Yours for peace,

Karen Holmes,

Copy: U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D. Oregon), U.S. Representative Peter DeFazio (D. Oregon)