Standing on the principles ends oppression. Grabbing for power comes from the belief that you lack power, and the ultimate conclusion of that belief is a complete loss of power.
Power doesn't come from nuclear capacity or nuclear weapons. Power comes from assuming responsibility to undo the damage you have done, and you rise and fall in power by the choices you make.
Our organization is making it possible for every president to be equal. No one has the right to tell another what to do. Our plan for world peace creates a level playing field, with each person and each nation finding its niche. There is no need for competition. No need to grab for power. And, disputes between nations will be handled in court rather than the battlefield. There is no need for expensive weapons. The monies spent on war will be used to enable the people to prosper.
The world's leaders are making their choices whether to stand on the principles or the power. Standing on the principles allows everyone to function on a higher level.
Both of these men have a history of denying rights to others. They must stand on the principles of fairness and equality to others, including their own peoples, before anyone will trust them. They must address the issues of conflict resolution, just as the United States must do to end the wars we are waging. Grabbing for power, prestige or natural resources only leads to the loss of power, prestige or natural resources, as proven by the occupation of Iraq.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the games to end. The grab for power doesn't work. It never did, and it never will. It just seemed to work because it took so long for the backlash to hit.