Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Dear President Obama: On the topic of solving problems....

Tonight I would like to address the issue of problem-solving.  As president of the United States, many people rely on you for solving their problems.

The vast majority of the people function with mainstream solutions that can be found as part of the existing structure, but during times of crisis, the mainstream society's perspective has narrowed and no solution is obvious.  Even those who are the experts in the field can see no solution.

The solution for world peace, for example, has eluded even the experts in the field, but each person on the planet has a problem, and each has a solution, and the trick is to bring them together. Once they come together, the solution becomes mainstream.  (There is an ancient  symbol for this concept, and that is the Star of David--two opposing triangles. When they come together, it forms an hour-glass shape.)

If you know the root cause of a crisis, with the planning process, you can find the solution. Working with the spiritual hierarchy, we have the root cause of fifty problems facing mankind, and also the planning process. Our proposals offer the solutions to many problems we are facing as a planet. During times of crisis, when you see only two options and both are untenable, you will find that the solution to every crisis is to do what is in everyone's best interest.

Yours for peace,

Karen Holmes