Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Your Excellency: The solution to ending conflicts in the world

April 14, 2014

To the ambassadors in Washington, DC

Your Excellency:

Our organization is working to create an international government based on the U.S. Constitution and the cooperation of nature. As of today, people in 73 nations support the World Peace Plan.

When the plan for the international government was first introduced, it created a Moment of Choice, and separated those who stand on the principles from those who rely on power games. It threatened their security and support, and announced that change was inevitable. The power grab ensued, and drew in those who took advantage of the conflict.

There is no conflict in the world. It exists in the minds of those who fear loss of security or support.

The solution is to enable every person on the planet to benefit from re-forming the existing international structure along different parameters, one that guarantees to everyone the opportunity, and equality and the capacity to create their ideal life.

Imagine that if a major crisis occurs, what the outcome would be if every world leader insisted on his or her plan to be the only one acceptable. The highest good for all would be majority rule, and everyone is considered equal.

Now, imagine that a committee of world leaders address the issue and then take it to the “grand council” for approval, and everyone’s perspective is regarded as equal, and no one was left out of the debate.

I therefore recommend that to initiate the plan for the proposed international government, that all the diplomatic community begin to divide into continental committees to address issues within their own continents, and then to take the solution to the wider perspective for their input.

Yours for peace,

Karen Holmes

Copy: Senator Ron Wyden (Democrat from Oregon), Congressman Peter DeFazio (Democrat Oregon)