Sunday, September 30, 2018

Who Will be Chosen for the International Supreme Court?

When the constitution for the international government is written and signed, it will be decided then how the international government will function, such as who is eligible for office, term of office, rights, duties and privileges, and so on, including Supreme Court justices.

The basis for the international government is the U.S. Constitution, and so all eyes are on the United States to see how it functions, and also watching to see what is working and what is not working. The focus now is on the confirmation process for the vacant US Supreme Court seat, and people are wondering how to avoid the same crisis, but multiplied many times over, when confirming an international Supreme Court justice. 

Supreme Court justices in the United States have lifetime terms. They are promoted to the position from existing judges, nominated by the president, and confirmed by the Senate, which represents the rights of the people. The Supreme Court justices decide whether the laws that come before them are constitutional, and their interpretations of the law sway the legal system for decades to come, and so they have a profound effect on the lives of the people. Their decisions can also be overturned if proven that their justification is faulty. The constitution can be amended, but it takes a lengthy process to do so. The Constitution evolves.  

For many years, U.S. Supreme Court justices were confirmed by a vast majority of the Senate. The number of required votes to confirm a nominee was set high to ensure that the nominee would suit both parties. Now, with a majority of Republicans in both Houses and a Republican president, and the number of  required votes has been lowered to a simple majority, and nominees that would not have been confirmed in the past are being confirmed.

We are all starting to see what works and what doesn't work. How can we do it better?

Our organization is calling for an Article V  amendment convention to create the additional layer of government over what already exists, and that requires 2/3 of the States to pass resolutions to petition the US Congress to  hold the convention, and then 3/4 of the States must ratify the amendment. For a lifetime appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court, a simple majority of the Senate is not sufficient. A minimum of a 2/3 majority of senators should be required--3/4 majority is best. 

Who can pass such a test? If the world leaders today were each able to nominate a candidate to the international Supreme Court, who would be nominated? Who would be confirmed?