Our organization is calling for a ban on undersea mining. It is an existential threat to life on Earth. The minerals in the water function like electrolytes in a battery. The sunlight is stored in the oceans.
We believe the oceans must remain sovereign, that no one owns the oceans because they have a major impact on the entire planet. They must be under the auspices of an international body that has the authority to ensure they stay in their pristine condition. Our organization is working to create an international government based on the US Constitution, and it will have eleven departments, including the Department of the Oceans, that will be sovereign [autonomous] and made up of experts in their fields, which will take politics and corporate greed out of the equation. Many people are very concerned about global warming and see it as an existential threat. Undersea mining must be including in global warming.
Our plan includes an ocean symposium in our coastal town in Oregon, USA, and we will invite experts in the oceans from every nation. They will start the process to create the international Department of the Oceans, which will be formally established at a conference we will host in Europe. Already, world leaders are starting to work on the plan.
We ask that you reconsider undersea mining, and what impact it will have on the planet and on mankind. If you would like to learn more about our plan, please go on our website at http://www.oneworldgov.org. President Obama is aware of our plan, also, and it has affected foreign policy.