The idea for the international government has been opened to debate, and the world leaders are aware of the plan. The question now is, will they work together to bring it about? Can they control the plan, or subvert the idea to use it to their own advantage?
First, a quick review of how the plan has evolved:
In May and June of 1999, at our prayer circle, the idea for the international government was first introduced. As "A Manual for Peace" was being channeled, one chapter a night, we passed around the chapters. Everyone liked the book. When it was finished, the manuscript was submitted to a publisher, per Seth's instructions, but the book was rejected, and placed on the proverbial back burner until "a billion people are in the right time, place and frame of mind for it to go forward."
In March of 2003, the first government proposal was offered to the U.S. government--to all the Senators of the 108th Congress and the secretaries of the Departments of Defense and State--as an alternative to going to war against Saddam Hussein. The first eight newsletters with the proposals were sent to the ambassadors in Washington DC.
From January 2008 to December of 2012, the plan for the international government was opened to debate among the world leaders as the idea trickled up to the international level.
From January through March of 2012, the planning stages for the first eight proposals were posted online offering those eight nations the opportunity to rise out of their crises through participation in the creation of the international government.
As the idea has been debated, and people are proving their intent, there has been a kind of civil war that is occurring within the nations, where one part is standing on the principles and another is going down into the power games. Many people are being subjected to oppressive power games. This process is known as the Battles of Armageddon. The World Peace Movement is progressing, and separating the people into four segments, based on what they lack.
President Obama is aware of the plan, but has faced resistance all through his term in office. Now, as he leaves office, the question is how, or even whether, the United States will participate in the plan for the international government. What now?
This process is the reason that the plan must come from the people when the people are ready for it to come. The power games that governments and people in general play are oppressive to the people, so as the people are oppressed, the plan is the solution that enables everyone to function on a higher level. People must be squeezed to let go of the games and will only do so when the games backlash on the player.
For the United States to participate in the creation of the international government, we must amend our Constitution to create the additional layer of government over what already exists. The president of the United States does not sign a constitutional amendment into law. We are calling for an Article V amendment convention, which is closest to how our founding fathers functioned to craft the Constitution and to build our government.
Donald Trump has no prior government experience, and yet he was elected over those who have many years of government experience. His supporters believe he has the capacity to solve the problems we are facing as a nation. This election sets the stage for election reform, and opens the door for Congress to agree to amending our Constitution.
When "A Manual for Peace" is ready to be published by the people who are the professional publishing team, the planning stages in the form of the proposals will move forward, too. Everyone will be in the right time, place and frame of mind.
The plan for the international government is based on two proven concepts--the U.S. Constitution and the principles of the cooperation of nature. The channeled books were pirated, and while the pirates appear to have all the power, every aspect of every project is based on everyone sharing our talents and gifts, and no one can do another's project. Even if all 200 or so world leaders come together and agree to work together, they cannot create a global renaissance based on the cooperation nature. World peace requires everyone working together sharing their talents and gifts.