My organization is working to create an international government based on the U.S. Constitution and the cooperation of nature. As of today, people in 85 nations, including the Democratic Republic of Congo, support the plan for the international government.
We have a proposal for your country that allows you to overcome your crises and to participate fully in the proposed international government, and it can be found on our website at Today I would like to address the more current issues that your government is facing, and that is the pressures that are being placed on you that undermine your security.
The existing international structure based on the United Nations does not have the capacity to end or prevent wars. The U.N. Charter has five main flaws:
1. All nations are not treated fairly and equally
2. A nation's power is based on behavior rather than inalienable rights, which can lead to a sense of bullying.
3. A nation may not have a voice in matters of grave concern
4. A nation may not have recourse to change what is unfair
5. A nation does not have to be a signatory of the international courts so disputes between nations are not resolved peacefully.
Many third world nations have vast amounts of natural resources, and have become nothing more than bank accounts for the industrialized nations. The resources a nation has must go to benefit the people. This puts your nation at risk for a hostile takeover bid.
Under the plan for the international government, fair and equitable trade agreements will be made through the economic departments of the international government.
By joining the debate for the international government, but working only with the other world leaders to bring it about, you leave out the people. The backbone of any economy is small business, for example, and this is something Saudi Arabia has discovered as their oil reserves are depleted. Any government must function to enable the people to prosper.
The plan for the international government must come slowly and in perfect order, from the level of the people. The ideas and principles must come in order from the widest perspective to the narrowest and then permeate throughout global society, starting with the lesson that came from the Iraq War. Disputes between nations must be resolved in court rather than the battlefield, and the monies now wasted on war must go to benefit the people. Wars and genocides are oppressive to the people, tear apart the energy fabric of the planet, and leave a sense of helplessness and hopelessness in the people. The rifts must be healed before the people can prosper. The existing international structure has proven it cannot end or prevent wars, and as was demonstrated in Rwanda, UN peacekeeping troops are oftentimes nothing more than body counters.
The Iraq War destabilized the entire planet, and diverted foreign aid away from your country and toward Iraq. Under the plan for the international government, there will be no more foreign aid. Instead, your people will be encouraged to find your own niche based on your natural resources, which will make your nation able to compete economically with the industrialized nations.
Under the proposed international government, Saddam Hussein would have protested the preemptive strike and taken George W. Bush to court, which is something we are now working toward with our Exit Strategy for Iraq proposal. We are working to set up an international court system, and that is our first case.
The solution to every crisis is to do what is in everyone's best interest.
President Kabila is aware of the plan for the international government, but if he has joined the other world leaders who see it as their opportunity to function on a higher level rather than to do what is in everyone's best interest, he is probably trapped. He cannot let go of his office and he cannot stay. The solution is to do what is in everyone's best interest. Under the proposed international government, the international presidents will be in office for only one or two terms. It will be impossible to keep a power base in two places. It makes no difference whether he is in office if he wishes to be part of the debate for the legitimate international government that my organization proposes. He will actually have more power to affect change for his nation and to rise to a higher level in power if he leaves office and joins the debate.
We are keeping people informed about the plan for the international government on our website and blogs. If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them. Contact me at