Tuesday, June 14, 2016

We are making some changes

The plan for the international government has been opened to debate on all the levels, and as of today, we have affiliate members in 85 nations. The plan for the international government has now faced cultural review, which enables it to be considered a viable alternative to the existing international structures.

Our focus has been to look at crises and to demonstrate how the plan for the international government can solve them, and we have seen that it is possible to solve even the most difficult crises. We are even taking on the worst case scenario for the planet--a global genocide that the existing international structure cannot stop.

That is where we start with our proposals--the worst case scenario for the planet.

Starting to tomorrow, we will look at each of the tools that are available to us to use to solve problems, and then on July 1, we will look start to focus on each of the government proposals in greater detail.