Sunday, December 8, 2013

“Dear Friends of Peace”

Our organization has been dealing with a hostile takeover bid for the last 6 ½ years, a character defamation campaign against the principal of our organization, Karen Holmes, and waged by a small group of people who believe they have greater capacity to bring world peace, but who actually are waging a genocide. 

Once the lies have been told, the truth does not overcome the lie. It must be done by demonstration. The first demonstration is that of intent.

To address the issue of intent, Holmes started a “Dear Friends of Peace” email campaign, and has sent daily emails telling readers about the World Peace Plan. No one knows how many people actually receive the emails or read them if they do. For those who do, the topics are now open to debate, and no one will accept anything less.

Proving intent does not draw in the people, because while the information concerning the plan may be considered valid and beneficial to everyone, the issue arises who is capable of making the plan a reality. 

"P.T. Barnum said "You can fool all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time." Our projects cannot be retro-engineered because they are based on talents and gifts. No one can do someone else's project. For example, if we are working to purify a particular law, the one who has assumed responsibility for the project speaks from personal experience and the attorneys in the group understand the issue from the perspective of the law. Others won't see it as an opportunity to get their life on a higher level.

Only two people on the planet see the widest perspective that world peace is possible. Everyone else just sees the World Peace Plan overview as the opportunity to solve personal problems, or to win lucrative government contracts or the Nobel Peace Prize.

Karen Holmes,