The World Peace Plan segments into six more specific parts, and the first relates to technology, which involves coming up with a solution, a plan, to solve a specific issue. World peace is very general, and not all people are concerned about the latest gadget, but everyone on the planet is concerned about solving the problems facing mankind, so today, Tuesday, we will look at the overview of Technology and how it relates to world peace.
We will turn this segment over to our technology team at the events at Oxford and Stonehenge (see our 2012 Track Our Progress planning.) For now, we will address our innovative project, the Light Source Invention, (See our Marketing Strategy) which demonstrates the evolution of the global genocide, step by step.
Intolerance breeds oppression, and the most horrific genocide on the planet started with the simple act of oppression. People who have been oppressed lack equality.
The solution to intolerance is simple, and that is to come up with a plan that treats all people equally. This is the basis for the World Peace Plan, that is treats all people fairly and equally.
When oppression is not stopped, it leads to the loss of rights on the individual basis. Every person on the planet was created by the same Creator, who grants to us our inalienable rights to be able to create our life (fulfill our purpose) without interference, to be treated fairly and equally, and to have a voice in our government, and when those rights have been denied, the oppressor, under Universal Law, loses his or her rights.
To gain back one's power lost by denying another his or her right to live life without interference, the oppressor must come up with a plan that benefits everyone, and everyone must assume responsibility for their own actions that led to the oppression, and everyone must work together to undo the damage that was done.
The World Peace Plan is the solution because it guarantees to every person on the planet his or her inalienable rights.
Because other beings and kingdoms live on this planet, the same rights apply to all. One of our projects is the Animal Bill of Rights.
Karen Holmes,